Sunday, June 30, 2024

Paige: Wedding Shower

 Yesterday I attended the wedding shower for Paige, our youngest granddaughter and #3 Grand. 

The wedding is later this year.  All her Aunts on her Father's side of the family planned the shower.  There was a bit of champagne, fruit, cheese, small fancy sandwiches and cupcakes. 

Sisters; Savannah #1  Grand and Maddie #2 Grand will both be Maid/Matron of Honor at the wedding and I think about six other bridesmaids. 

Paige got many really nice gifts.  It was a fun afternoon.  Jen stopped by for a quick visit before and after the wedding shower and we rode into town together. 

Far Side


  1. What fun! Paige is very pretty - she will make a gorgeous bride :)

  2. Goodness! The grands are not only grown but getting hitched, too--lol! She looks just beautiful. :)

  3. Congratulations to the happy couple! She's beautiful!!

  4. Sounds like a lovely shower. Also nice that you got to see a lot of family.

  5. What a wonderful afternoon! Fun times! Sounds and looks like an autumn wedding: Colors are so pretty that time of year.

  6. Congratulations to the young couple and best wishes on their upcoming nuptial.

  7. She is a beautiful young woman. I wish her all the happiness in her life.

  8. What a lovely bride-to-be! Glad you got to attend the shower. I just went to a bridal shower for my niece's daughter. That wedding will be in September which is coming faster than I want.

  9. Congrats to Paige and her fiance! Wishing them a long and happy marriage.

  10. Your grands are all so pretty and the bride to be looks lovely. Looks like a beautiful shoer. Good food and great conversation I know was had.

  11. Those gifts will help her get started in her married life.

  12. I don't remember the last time I attended a wedding shower or any shower for that matter, not counting the shower in the bathroom which I attend a few times a week

  13. Aren't wedding showers fun! Paige is beautiful and looks like she was enjoying the day. How nice that she got a lot of great gifts too. Glad you enjoyed yourself!

  14. Looks like a grand party for your Grands.

  15. Congratulations. You can see the happiness on her face.

  16. I love gift giving showers of any & all kinds. That is a cute backdrop. Sounded like good food & fun for all.

  17. The famioy just keeps changing. It will be another granddaughter married. Good Deal.!!!

  18. Those girls have grown into beautiful women. You must be so proud!


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