Monday, June 17, 2024

Slow going

 I startled a turtle looking for a safe place to lay some eggs. 

He is a long way from the lake and had to cross two roads to get into our yard from the lake.

Later I saw her heading toward the lake....apparently she was done in our yard. 

The Veronica is still blooming nicely.  We had some very nasty winds on Saturday.

Far Side


Val Ewing said...

Hopefully the winds didn't cause too much damage. We are currently under a severe thunderstorm watch for the morning hours and then more for the evening hours today.

Last year it was smoke, heat, and drought. This year? Much different.

Anonymous said...

The Veronica is really pretty! Hope it gets a few rains to keep it blooming for a while! Galla Creek

Donna said...

Loving the turtle...and the flowers are so dainty!

Maebeme said...

The wind has been howling here too, but seems to have settled down this morning.
That's a hike to the water for the wee babies once they hatch. That is, if no predator finds the nest first.

Terry and Linda said...

How cool is that!!!! We don't have turtles here so this was a treat for me.

Red said...

There's been a lot of nasty winds this spring.

Sara said...

It must be turtle week. I took a picture of the turtle that was crossing the #10 green at the golf course yesterday. He had a long walk between ponds there.

Betsy said...

Hopefully the eggs will be fine. It will be fun to watch for them. We've had ridiculous winds this spring. It's been raining most of the night but has stopped now. It's SO humid though. I think I'll be inside today.

Sandra said...

It's been a long time since I saw a turtle. We had torrential rain Saturday. It's rainy again today. We have a pond in the yard.

Shug said...

Slow but sure, this little turtle will make its way to wherever she is going. Turtles are interesting little reptiles as they certainly have limited movements. Thank you for sharing the pic of the beautiful Veronica. so very delicate.

Wanderingcatstudio said...

What a sweet little turtle!

Sandi said...

We have a few turtles around here. They lay eggs in our yard. One year I had to help a baby to the pond. It was mid-day and hot. He was struggling. I got him into a bucket without touching him and took him the long way to the pond. Wonder if he is still out there.

Tired Teacher 2 said...

How sweet is that!

Linda Reeder said...

I would be startled if I found a turtle in my yard. We don't have turtles around here that I know of.

Granny Marigold said...

Must be the season for turtles to lay their eggs. We came across one doing just that recently and she was far from the lake. I wonder if any of the hatchlings will make it there eventually.

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

The turtle looked at you and thought damn is no where private all I want to do is lay my damn eggs and go back into the water.

Rita said...

Long dangerous journey for the baby turtles, too. Goodness!
Couldn't sleep. Gave up for now (2:30am). There's a storm rumbling through right now with thunderstorm warnings and possible hail, it says.

Shirley said...

Hope the turtle eggs all hatch! said...

Too funny, I had a turtle in my yard yesterday too. They come from the lake across the street, lay their eggs in my yard and then go back. I hate to tell them but every year the armadillos come and dig them sad.