Sunday, June 16, 2024

Happy Father's Day

 Although our Fathers are no longer with us.  We think of them and what kind men they were who helped raised us. 


Far Guy and his Dad 


My Dad and me  May 1952

 Happy Father's Day!

Jen visited us yesterday to help me get caught up on some of the high dusting (the things I have to stand on a step ladder for)  AND to visit with her Dad and she took us out for supper! 

Far Side


Georgina said...

Well done Jen! I am not so safe on a step ladder these days. Is that Far Guy’s grandparents in the framed photograph? Have a good day x

At Home In New Zealand said...

It is nice to have a special day to remember our parents, even when they have passed on. I often think of my dad and how different life is now without him. Lovely that you were taken out to supper :)

Donna said...

Wonderful memories...

Val Ewing said...

Have a nice Father's Day!

We are just going to be quiet and enjoy the day.

Anonymous said...

Happy Father's Day. Your dad looks very much like my grandfather on my dad's side. I think it's the hat.

Pauline Persing said...

Love the pictures.

Far Side of Fifty said...

Georgina, No they are not, the photo was taken at a brother and sister in laws home and they are the sister in laws parents.

Maebeme said...

Happy Father's Day to Far Guy, and to all the fathers in your family.

You have such wonderful memories (and photos) of your fathers.

Linda Reeder said...

Love the pictures.
Well done, Jen.
We celebrated Father's Day on Friday with Tom and I cooking dinner for the family: ribs, cornbread, grilled asparagus, fresh fruit compote, fresh figs with goat cheese and honey, and rhubarb cake.
Today we are on our own. We'll visit a garden and go for a walk somewhere.
Happy Father's Day, happy memories to you.

Rita said...

Lovely photos!
Happy Father's Day! :)

Granny Marigold said...

Nice old pictures from the 50's.

Happy Fathers Day

Sandra said...

Happy Father's Day, FG!

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

Great photos, I miss my dad so very much

Betsy said...

Wonderful photos and I'm so glad Jen helped you with the high stuff. I always did that for Dennis's Mom. She's only 5'1" and I'm 5 '10".
We had a wonderful lunch today with Mandy, Brad & Piper. And Brad's entire extended family. Parents, aunts and uncles, cousins and other grands. We ate at a tiny bar & grill in Malmo, NE, an equally teeny-tiney town about an hour away. We had a great time and just got home.
While driving, both of our boys called and face-timed. It was wonderful.
We do still miss our Dad's though, especially Dennis's Dad. He was one in a million and I can't wait to see him again in Heaven. Dennis takes afer him very much.

Red said...

Nice tribute to the dad's. I like the 1950's photos.

Sara said...

How nice that your daughter visited. I love seeing those old photos. said...

She is such a great daughter. How was their trip? It sounded fantastic. I didn't have a good dad or a good step dad but it warms my heart to see how many good ones are out there. Happy Father's Day, Far Guy!

Anonymous said...

Love your old photos and the memories that they bring! Great Father's of another generation!