Sunday, June 2, 2024

A Blanket and "stuff"

 I finished the car seat blanket for my sisters newest grandchild.  Hadlee is three months old now.  

We met them up at Itasca State Park. 

I also delivered a bag of "stuff" for my sister.   "Stuff" being things my Mother never threw away. 

Far Side


  1. Stuff. I imagine there will be a lot of stuff when my mom is gone but I'm not sure who will be on the receiving end of it.
    We were lucky as an auction company went through my MIL's stuff and put most of it on sale and the rest was disposed of.

    I imagine, I will have to go through my stuff soon enough and dump things that no one but me would want.

    Looks like you had a nice drive though!

  2. Beautiful blanket!
    It is always fun to see what the parents kept. They had reasons - - some of which we will never know.

  3. Isn't Itasca state park where the mighty Mississippi starts? I remember you posted a blog about that one time. What a darling blanket and the yarn is so pretty.

  4. Itasca is such a beautiful park.
    Glad you finished the pretty blanket. :)

  5. Pretty blanket. I have reconciled myself to the fact my son will need to determine what happens to the stuff I keep. I have been doing well getting rid of junk and unwanted items, but let me tell ya, there is a lot!

    I have never been to Itasca State Park. Actually, I have never been to Northwestern MN. I don't know why.

  6. Love the blanket!!
    I have some of my mom's things...I always wonder, what was she thinking!

  7. The blanket is lovely and not the usual baby colors. I like that.

    Ah, yes, stuff - it's amazing how much of that there is when cleaning out. My parents had lots of stuff, but so did/do I. :)

  8. I like the way you unload stuff to your sister.

  9. Minnesota has turned green!
    Such a soft and pretty blanket.

  10. Stuff— can be worthless to some but priceless to others!

  11. Very pretty blanket. I'm thinking about knitting (or crochet??) a chunky throw for a fundraiser that we'll have in September. I haven't knit or crocheted in a long time, but I figure how hard an this be...right? :) :)

  12. Looks like a beautiful park. The road lined with green trees seems like a peaceful drive. How blessed for your sister's grandchild to receive such a special blanket. So pretty...

  13. Our parents keep some stuff that we wonder why about but I expect my children will say the same when I am gone

  14. That is such a pretty blanket and the park where you met is too. It's so green. I just commented to Dennis on the way to church this morning that I don't ever remember June being so green here when we lived here before. We've had SO much rain and lots more overnight last night and most of the morning and early afternoon. More thunderstorms are on the way tonight and then "maybe" a break.
    I'm glad we were able to go through a lot of Mom's stuff when the house was sold. The apartment doesn't have nearly as much in it but what is there is what was/is important to her.

  15. That's a pretty mix of colours.
    Things have greened up nicely there!

  16. Your blanket turned out beautiful! Now would Hadlee be a boy or a girl? Just wondering.

  17. diane, Hadlee is a beautiful little girl:)

  18. Itasca State Park - great memories from my childhood. It's such a beautiful place. Bet it felt great to pass along some stuff. I did the same yesterday after seeing some family at a bridal shower. Gave my sister-in-law a bunch of her mom's things that had ended up at my house. Gave my granddaughter a small container of trinkets and gave a book to my daughter. She wanted the Anne of Green Gables book she loved as a kid.


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