Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Red Man

 There is a  new sculpture in town.  It was installed out in front of the old library building.

It sits outside of Giiwedinong the Anishinaabe  Museum of Treaties and Culture. 

The real name of the sculpture is "Not afraid to look"

Everyone interprets art differently. 

I see a tall red man, with no butt, with a slanted head sitting waiting for something or someone and he does not look happy. 

He does not seem friendly or welcoming. 

Far Side.


Charlotte (MotherOwl) said...

No butt ... and worse no brain!

Val Ewing said...

He looks rather grumpy to me too. After all with part of my head missing, I'd be grumpy too.

That looks like an interesting museum.

Anonymous said...

I’m with you. I don’t get this “art”. RHill, TX

Bobi said...

I really enjoyed all the sculptures you've posted from the park. This one, however, looks really out of place on this particular street. Kind of looks like an extraterrestrial to me. Our town bought a so-called "sculpture" which nothing more than two clumps of concrete and plopped it in our park. They paid $50k for it and I'll never figure out why.

Maebeme said...

I agree, he seems to be cut off on the top of his head and his butt, like someone forgot to finish the sculpture. The look on the face is definitely not welcoming at all. Weird!

Ed said...

I agree with your interpretation. I find the missing top part of his head to be a little disturbing as well.

Rita said...

No butt and half a brain. Does not seem welcoming at all!

KCD said...

Somebody on city council had a relative who needed to sell a "sculpture" or they were gonna have to come home and live in the basement. A better spot for that one would have been in front of the jail.

Sara said...

Interesting. He does look quite stern.

Terry and Linda said...

I agree with you!

Linda Reeder said...

I Googled 'Anishinabe' and see that they are a group of indiginous peoples in the Great Lakes Area of Canada and the US. This is a museum of their culture and treaties. Maybe there is a reason why he doesn't look happy. Knowing the story of this sculpture would be interesting.

DJan said...

I wonder what it is supposed to represent, other than a red man missing important parts.

Sandra said...

He does look stern, but also as if in deep contemplation. Perhaps wondering what happened to hi butt and head?

Granny Marigold said...

The various comments about no butt and half a brain made me laugh so much. I needed a laugh on this wet and windy and cold day.

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

Yeah he is red and not in a good mood, properly because he has no bum

Jenn Jilks said...

What a conversation piece!

Sandi said...

It is unsettling, isn't it? I guess he is the one who is not afraid to look!

Lynda said...

I like how it color-coordinates with the stripes on the building in back but that is all I like. It is not welcoming at all and does not make me smile to look at it. I never liked abstract art or poetry. Show me something that is like the beauty God surrounds us with. I wonder what kind of personality the artist has. It is often reflected in his/her creations.

Red said...

Sculptures can cause a lot of discussion like this one.

Miss Merry said...

My first thought was "Miss Merry Pouting". I don't think he looks welcoming or even like he was looking for something or someone. He looks frustrated and angry.
But I am not a good judge of art. I am very traditional.

Galla Creek said...

Maybe it’s Prince Phillip. Have you seen his red painting?

I sorta like this one!

Betsy said...

I do agree with your interpretation of the sculpture. I remember going to the Museum of Modern Art in Paris once. There was a toilet seat handing from fishing line from the ceiling. That's it. A plain old toilet seat like you buy at Home Depot or Lowes. It was the premiere art piece in that exhibit. The draw to get people to come in. Why? A toilet seat. I went into the wrong business. :-)
I give you huge points for spelling that name. Wowzers!
Blessings and hugs,

diane in northern wis said...

Let's just say, that would not be my favorite work of art.

Linda said...

Not attractive at all and it probably cost a pretty-penny. It's sad when you see what artwork gets put on display.

www.self-sufficientsam.blogspot.com said...

I'd love to visit that museum!

Leah said...

I found the comments pretty interesting :)

The Furry Gnome said...

I think I'd find that one unsettling.