Friday, June 7, 2024

One bloom

 My Fern- leafed Peony had just one bloom again this year.   It was a gift from Larry years ago.  I hate to move it... I am just thankful for one bloom! 

  Pop on over to Larry's and say Hi, this week he brought his wife Della home from the hospital/rehab center...she has not been home since March 25.  So it is a big deal that she is finally home!   I am positive that you will enjoy all of Larry's flowers as much as I do.

Far Side


  1. I stop by his blog often to see his beautiful flowers!

    It is so good for his wife to be back home too!

  2. That is a beautiful color peony.

  3. It's a pretty peony though. I'm glad Larry's wife is home, it must be a relief for both of them.

  4. I've never had a fern leaf peony and I understand they can be quite finicky. Hopefully it continues to bloom, at least once!

  5. I read Larry's blog every day, just like yours. It is great that she is now home. It has been hard on the both of them. I do hope she can get back to painting some day. She is a very good artist

  6. Those peonies are so pretty. I will pop over to Larry's blog.

  7. Be thankful for a bloom. Sort of like glass half empty or half full.

  8. Beautiful! I got just two blooms on my peony this year, but that's one more than last year, so I'm thrilled. I have five peony plants total, but it will probably be a few years before most of them start blooming.

  9. One bloom is better than none! I gave my red peony to my sister when we moved out of Creston. Apparently it's thriving for her.

  10. I suppose one bloom is better than none. Maybe next year will be better ( isn't that what gardeners are always saying?)

  11. Such a pretty flower, I will pop over now to Larry's to check things out

  12. Peonies can be tempermental but it is a very bright color.

  13. Our tree peony has just one flower a year too. It's not happy where it lives but moving it would probably kill it. We'll be content with one bloom.

  14. Fern-leaved peonies are so unique. So glad yours is blooming again.


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