Monday, June 3, 2024


 My baby brother and his bride have taken on biking.  They bought each other electric assist bikes. 

Let me tell you they need that electric assist to get up the hill from their place at the lake!

Baxter and bikes....  he is not a fan and tries to herd them and bark.  So the poor boy is left behind. 

Far Side


  1. I see these bikes are all the rage right now in the RV communities. Hope they did their research because a lot of those RV'ers don't have a lot of happy endings.

  2. I think those are really neat! They are pricey though which is why I don't have one! LOL! For some reason my Rottweilers were herders too. Who knew? Nitty used to bark and get in my way whenever I was using the wheelbarrow. Poor Baxter.

  3. I’ve been tempted to get an electric assist bike. I hope you’ll share more about their impressions of them.

  4. I love this! A long time ago, I rode a bike to work - - about three miles. It involved going up a hill on the way home. I was 23 and weighed 105 pounds and was a size three. I still weight over 100 pounds and the three has multiplied some!

  5. Good for them. I'm pretty sure I'd fall off any bike I tried to ride, it's been at least 45 years.

  6. Good for them! Bad for Baxter. 😉

  7. A fun activity to do together. My daughter decided to not to any long rides this summer, but was feeling regret as this week was one of the multi-day rides she usually does with her friends.

    Our border collie didn't like bikes either. She would get very anxious when the kids rode their bikes around.

  8. Those bikes are really popular here- especially with the price of gas!

  9. What a great idea!
    (ツ) from Jenn Jilks , ON, Canada!

  10. So, the question is, which one is going to be the first to crash and burn? Old folks and bikes is a risky combination

  11. We've thought about getting those bikes but the price really makes it prohibitive. I don't think we would use them enough to make it worthwhile. Poor Baxter. He's only doing what comes naturally but I can see how dangerous it could be.

  12. Good for them. My poor balance would not allow me to get on a bike.

  13. Those bikes are getting more and more common. Poor Baxter, he must be so confused.

  14. I would love one of these. Those hills are killers.

  15. If I tried to ride a bike I would fall off

  16. ebikes are a good incentive to get people out cycling.

  17. Those bikes are pretty darn cool!! I just wish I had the balance to ride one!

    Our town has purchased one or two for the police department. My son the police detective recently rode one during the eclipse. It was easy to get through crowds. Funny story since this is anonymous, but he spotted something the first few minutes in a crowd and caught a man with pockets of drugs he was planning to sell. Made the person who authorized the purchase of the bikes pretty happy, lol.

  18. Those bikes are really popular right now. I would love to hear how they like them in use. Poor Baxter, though--lol!

  19. Those bikes are a game changer! I love mine and Bea rides in the basket on the back. Maybe they could get a pull behind wagon cart thing for Baxter and he'd be happy and stop herding them :-).


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