Friday, June 28, 2024

Japanese Tree Lilac

 I took a few photos of the Japanese Tree Lilac in town.  I only had a couple of errands to run while Far Guy had his infusion. 

A nice looking tree.  And yes the fragrance is very strongly Lilac.  This one was on the edge of the clinic parking lot...although they are a common boulevard tree in town. 

Far Side


Wildflower Adventures said...

A very pretty tree. Not sure I've heard of it.

Sara said...

Bet that smelled really nice. I'm not sure I've seen any of those trees in this area. Do they get very large? said...

Oh, now that I see it....we have those here. In fact one came up next to my rose of Sharon and I like it so I left it. They do smell great!

Maebeme said...

Very pretty!

Shirley said...

Lovely tree- the blooms look lacey compared to common lilac.

Sandi said...

I have not seen one of these before. Nice!

Rita said...

It's quite beautiful.
Glad all went well with FarGuy's infusion.
Hope you are feeling better. :)

Terry and Linda said...

Oh MY! Those are lovely! Just Lovely!

Sandra said...

Really pretty.

Jenn Jilks said...


Shug said...

I'm glad up got these pictures. I can only imagine the fragrance coming from those blooms. It is a beautiful tree and looks so healthy.

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

Such a nice looking tree and I like that you ay it has a strong fragrance to it

Galla Creek said...

Those blooms are so large. Nice.

diane in northern wis said...

Oh what a pretty tree. I'd like to check out the scent too. Love Lilacs!