Sunday, June 9, 2024

Late Lilac

 The Late Lilac is blooming such as it is. 

It is a pretty bloom in bud. 

As it opens it becomes a pinky/lilac color.

Far Side


  1. It is beautiful. It's trying really hard.

  2. I don't think I've seen a lilac that color before. Very pretty!

  3. We call those French Lilac. The standard ones bloom early June around here, I saw lots in full bloom in town yesterday.

  4. Beautiful and not the usual lilac. It's new to me.

  5. So pretty and they smell so good, too! :)

  6. Lilacs are very showy and loved by many. Mine have just started to bloom.

  7. I wish our lilac season lasted longer. Such fleeting beauty, and scent.

  8. Lilacs remind me of living at my maternal grandparents farm with siblings and my mom when my dad was in the Navy and out to sea for months at a time. Grandma would often put the bed sheets on top of the lilac bushes after they had dried on the clothesline.

  9. Lilacs are related to privet. That surprised me. Maybe next year for the blooms. We keep hoping.

  10. I just love lilacs and all their beautiful colors.

  11. It has been so long since I enjoyed the sweet fragrance of a Lilac. They were a favorite from when we lived in Alaska. Late or on time, how wonderful to get to enjoy yours!

  12. I miss having lilacs. That's a really pretty color.

  13. Is that a Korean lilac? They bloom after the normal lilacs here...but are long gone down here for the season.

  14. The lilac is beautiful even though it seems like only a token of what could have been. I saw people's lilac as i drove around town this spring. There are not that many around anymore. I am sure the people at my old home place have enjoyed the half dozen of them that I had planted.


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