Friday, June 21, 2024

Big Bear

 The bear napped and lounged around in our yard for about five hours...he must have had a full tummy.  

When morning came and he woke up, he wandered off.  My husband calls this photo "Coffee with Gene" 

I am thankful I no longer sleep walk in my old age...ten years ago I was still sleep walking and would wake up outside. 

Far Side 


  1. Well! I'm glad you don't sleepwalk anymore, Either!! Lolol

  2. Oh goodness, I'm glad you are no longer sleepwalking too. Five hours seems like a long time for the bear to stay in the yard, it clearly doesn't have a lot of fear of humans.

  3. Sleep walking and the north woods do not go well together!

  4. A bear in the backyard. Not many people in the United States will ever have THAT experience. Glad you no longer sleep walk.

  5. He was just waiting for you to get up and visit. I hope this guy finds another place to sleep.

  6. That’s a good-looking bear (from a distance). I hope it doesn’t make lengthy naps in your yard a habit.

  7. We are upset with a raccoon climbing our porch rails - good gosh you are a brave lot!

  8. He just wanted to say good morning to you guys. How scary to sleep walk outside. I'm glad you don't do it anymore either.
    Still praying for you.
    Blessings and hugs,

  9. Game camera's are fun! We never have cool bear in our yards. Nothing on our cameras but deer, cats, coyotes, fox, etc.

  10. Holy moly! He looks huge and how scary that he seems to have made himself at home in your yard.

  11. Our daughter who lives in a subdivision of Abbotsford, B.B., had a bear in her front yard overnight!

  12. Looking at your nocturnal visitor, I am also glad you don't sleepwalk anymore! :)

  13. Damn bears in your yard seem strange to me

  14. It sure is a good thing you didn't meet up with this guy first thing in the morning. He seems to feel quite at home.

  15. You may have to give up feeding the birds. Makes me sad for you, but the bear looks so big.

  16. OMGosh! I am really, really glad you don't sleep walk anymore!!

  17. Awww a cute...
    Um. I know better, just thought I'd say that to be smart.

    Are you having a ton of rain your way???

  18. Some bear bangers might deter him from vacationing at your place.

  19. That is a nice big one. That is quite a long time for a bear to hang around.

  20. OMG! Sleep walking in bear country? You are so lucky! We have bears here and I saw one once years ago running through the back yard of my neighbors and into the woods but of course, I had the dogs but now no dogs so I am getting all kinds of critters.


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