Tuesday, June 11, 2024


 Our Oaks are mostly done leafing out.  They take a long time. 

Far Guy has been doing some wood carving.  The Christmas Ornament for this year has been chosen. 

I have been clearing out files and some papers all unnecessary ...they are shredded and then recycled.  I made some pretty good progress in several stash/messy areas.  Yeah me.

Far Side


  1. The backside of our property abuts a county road and during the summer, it is all but invisible thanks to the oaks that hide it. I find myself wishing they would leaf out sooner every spring to provide our natural screen from the road.

  2. It sure looks nice and green there. With the oak trees all leafed out, it truly must mean that summer is there.

  3. inch by inch life's a cinch...hope everyone is stable health wise...

  4. You are one step ahead of me on shredding. I detest that job, and put it off. In fact, I had to buy a new shredder and it does not work as good as my last one. I am looking for shredding events at recycling centers now.

  5. The oaks leaf out slowly. I notice in the fall the leaves hang on longest too. I have one nice oak in my yard. I can remember when it was a foot tall. Now it’s mighty.

  6. The trees look lovely and the road looks inviting. Good on you for clearing out stuff. I do hope it means your pain levels have decreased.

  7. I have a paper birch tree that is always the last one to fully leaf out, and it's looking good so summer has arrived I guess. I'm shredding paperwork again this morning. Endless it seems!

  8. Our neighbour has a lovely oak - it's leaves are my favourite in the fall.

  9. Picked out the Christmas ornament already! Yay, you guys!
    Sorting paperwork is a tedious, but necessary, task. Kudos to you!
    The trees look so full and green. The rain we've been getting this spring has helped all the foliage. :)

  10. I'm happy for FG, he must be feeling better. It is rewarding to rid yourself of clutter.

  11. Purging and cleaning things out is always good. I'd love to see the ornament when it's done!

  12. Good for you! I was shuffling piles of papers and could have shredded as I went, but instead I gathered them all up and forgot where I put them. And now I need 3 items in the missing bundle.

  13. Oh, the green looks so good.
    With your activities, it sounds like you are both feeling at least ok.

  14. Everything looks so green around there.....Excited to see the Christmas ornament you all have chosen... Yeah for you...big accomplishment

  15. They are nice looking trees, hand made ornaments are in my opinion so damn nice and personal

  16. Good for you with the paperwork. I have lots to burn and patterns to file...oh, I hate paperwork! You have the ornament chosen already? You guys are so organized.

  17. No native oaks here but the planted oaks have leafed out. In fact everything has leafed out.

  18. I drove partway across Iowa today with a friend who is visiting from Spokane. Everything is so green and lush right now.
    Yay for the woodcarving. That's exciting news.

  19. The Winterset area of Iowa has so many oaks that grow on their rolling hills next to the covered bridges.


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