Saturday, June 1, 2024

Pretty Bird

 The Scarlet Tanager is a regular at the grape jelly feeder.

He is a handsome bird. 

Far Side


Donna said...

A Gorgeous bird!!

Val Ewing said...


Lynda said...

Great photo. When I first saw the pic, the orange jumped out at me because we see large orange "T"s a lot in this area. People are fan of the UT-Knoxville Volunteers sports teams - - like over the top wild about them.

Rita said...

They are strikingly gorgeous! I've never seen one in person. Just beautiful!

Sandra said...

Pretty. I've never seen one.

Maebeme said...

Very pretty bird!

Red said...

Scarlet tanagers are a very handsome bird. Nice photo.

Terry and Linda said...

Beautiful!!! We don't have those birds here. They are stunning.

LouC said...

Absolutely stunning!

Linda Reeder said...

I have only ever seen one once in my yard. They are so beautiful.

Jim and Barb's Adventures said...

What a great sighting!

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

Oh so pretty, indeed

Shug said...

What a beauty he is....I love the bright red.

Granny Marigold said...

Much prettier than any bird we have here.

diane in northern wis said...

Oh what a pretty bird. I don't know that I've ever seen one in person! Thanks Connie.

Terra said...

Wow the scarlet tanager is a beauty. Does the orange color attract tanagers? said...

So beautiful!!! I've never seen one in person...lucky you!

Far Side of Fifty said...

Terra, Yes I think so and Orioles:)

Linda W. said...

What a stunning shade of red! I don't see birds like that where I live.

Galla Creek said...

I see a few tanagers here. No pictures this year.

The Furry Gnome said...

That's amazing getting a Scarlet Tanager at your feeder!

Betsy said...

He is gorgeous! I don't think I've seen one around here before.

Shirley said...

Oh pretty bird! I was thrilled to see a Baltimore Oriole trying to land on our suet feeder last week. We do see them on rare occasions, they must pass through Alberta for some unbeknownst reason.

Sara said...

I've never actually seen a Scarlet Tanager around here. I wonder if we have them.

Wanderingcatstudio said...

Gorgeous bird!