Friday, May 31, 2024


 How in the world did our Great Grandson get to be 7 years old?  He just completed First Grade now onto Second Grade in the Fall.  His birthday was a few days ago. 

His Mom took this photo on the last day of school.

Happy Birthday Hey Mikey!  Hope you have a really good Summer. 

Great Grandma


Wildflower Adventures said...

Happy Birthday to your little Hey Mikey. I'm excited about the arrival of my 1st Great Grand. Time is flying by so quickly.

Latane Barton said...

Isn't he a cutie pie! I know you enjoy him.

Val Ewing said...

Happy Birthday Hey Mikey! Enjoy it!

Whew. I don't have any great grands ... yet. But a wide range of grand kids from 5 months to 20 yrs old!

Jenn Jilks said...

I think grandkids grow faster than kids!

Rita said...

Wow! Already seven!
Happy birthday, Mikey! :)

Sara said...

Happy birthday Hey Mikey! Our youngest grandson will be 9 on Monday. Growing up too fast!

Sandra said...

This is one cute kid!! They do grow up fast.

Betsy said...

I don't know how they're growing up so fast. I feel the same about Piper. Hey Mikey is sure a cutie. Love the missing tooth! :-)

Maebeme said...

Happy Birthday Hey Mikey! He and my grandson are the same age (Eli turned 7 in March). Time certainly flies by.

Donna said...

Happy Birthday!!
So adorable!

The Furry Gnome said...

They grow up so fast!

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

They grow up so fast

Miss Merry said...

Hey Mikey! Happy Birthday, but please slow down!

Galla Creek said...

I recall you writing about his birth! Turn around, turn around!

Granny Marigold said...

Happy birthday to Hey Mikey! Seven already 🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈.

Lynda said...

He is a handsome young man! He looks tall or is it just the angle of the picture? Hooray for summer vacation!!!

Linda Reeder said...

He's growing up, all right, but he still looks like the Hey Mikey we know and love. said...

He has the greatest smile! I remember when he was seems like yesterday! Yes, have a great summer "Hey Mikey"!

thecrazysheeplady said...

7?!? Good. Grief. Happy Birthday Hey Mikey :-)