Sunday, May 12, 2024

Mother's Day

 I wonder how Mother's Day in heaven is?  

We  think of our Mother's on this day if they are alive or in heaven. 

Far Guy and his Mom, looks like she is making cookies.  I think perhaps he tested his Mother's mothering skills from time to time.  He looks to be about 8 years old in this photo. 
My Mother and I in March of 1952. I was 6 months old. I know I tested my Mother's mothering skills.  I was a stubborn, independent child who was a challenge for her. 

I wish all the Moms out there a Happy Mothers Day...even the dog and cat Moms! 

Far Side


Val Ewing said...

Love these photos.

Oddly enough, we rarely celebrated Mothers Day or for that matter, Fathers Day.

Dad used to say that those days were made up to sell cards and gifts. But I always did call my dad on Father's Day.


Jim and Barb's Adventures said...

Cute pictures! I know I tested my mother more than once, as did my 6 other siblings.

Maebeme said...

Happy Mother's Day, Connie!

My mom has been gone for over 20 years now, and I think of her almost every day. I hope she's got a big garden in heaven - it was one of her biggest pleasures here.

Rita said...

Happy Mother's Day, Connie!
Just being a mother was a test for my mom--lol!

Terry and Linda said...

Happy Mother's Day, Connie!

Sandra said...

Happy Mother's Day to you.

Linda Reeder said...

Happy Mother's Day to you too.

Granny Marigold said...

Being stubborn and independent may make a child a challenge to raise but those very traits can help a person get where they want to be in life. Hope your Mothers Day is/was a good one.

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

Yes I wonder also what Mother's Day is like in heaven, great old photos

Sara said...

Happy Mother's Day! Such fun pictures of you and your mom, and of FG and his mom. In my family it's just another day. Both of my girls' families had busy weekends with the musical, a swim meet, and spring football. And my husband doesn't "do" Mother's Day, which is hurtful but I've gotten used to it after 4 decades..

diane in northern wis said...

And I wish you a very Happy Mother's Day too! Hope it's a good day for you!

Debi said...

Mother's Day here was quiet. I did hear from all three kids and all but one grand, so that was fun. Happy Mother's Day to you.

Red said...

I really like Far guy's photo as he looks like he's going to get right into the cookie dough before it's baked.

Dawn said...

I love Far Guy's grin in the image with his mom! :) I think most of us tested our mom's mothering skills. Luckily for us our moms did great! said...

What a cutie Far Guy was but you can see the mischief in his smile! LOL! That is a precious picture of your Mom and you. What a pretty young woman she was and you look like her! Happy Mother's Day belated.

Rose said...

I love these old pics...I hope you had a wonderful Mother's day.