Sunday, May 19, 2024

Double Flowering Plum

 The Double Flowering Plum is in bloom, the blooms are sparse most likely from last years drought.

Perhaps this shrub needs a total cut back or rejuvenation. 

It rained on the blooms. 

I am spending most of my time on the couch; shivering, waves of nausea, headache, tremors, in pain and very dizzy, Far Guy keeps one eye on me.   Withdrawal from some medications (Cymbalta) is not easy. I did a six week taper...and still have horrid symptoms.  Poor Far Guy had to take over cooking   cook if he wanted to eat. 

One day on the new Blood Pressure medication was all I could take...I will wait a few more days to try that again. 

Far Side


Georgina said...

Sending you lots of sympathy from London where the sun is shining for a change. I have to unpack the new seat I bought for the Chef so he can shower sitting down. Hope it’s in good condition. The first one arrived broken. Gently does it xxx

Jim and Barb's Adventures said...

Well, that sounds horrible! Hope the following days are better and you are back on your feet soon.

Maebeme said...

Oh, I'm so sorry you're going through this. I do hope the symptoms of withdrawal are soon over with. I'm sure it is worrisome for Far Guy keeping watch over you.

Take care.

Shirley said...

Sure hope you improve daily, sometimes the meds are worse than the problem they are supposed to fix.
Those plum blossoms are beautiful.

Linda Reeder said...

I was just commenting on DJan's Sunday post about the woes of aging. You win the prize for awfulness with all of your pain and suffering. I am so sorry that you have to be going through this.

Sandra said...

It's just wrong that the symptoms from a drug that's supposed to help you makes you feel worse than before you took it. Hopefully this misery will end soon.

Terry and Linda said...

Oh, goodness! Prayers are with you!!! Get better soon!!! Hugs

cityquilter grace said...

so sorry to hear you are sidelined...hope it's very temporary and soon back to busy self...

Tired Teacher said...

Thinking of you this morning and praying you feel better soon.

Red said...

That's a combination of miserable symptoms.

Rita said...

Oh no! That sounds just dreadful!!
I hope you are past it soon. *hugs*

Betsy said...

I'm SO, SO, sorry Connie. That sounds terrible. I'm also on Cymbalta for my back spasms. The neurolgist in Spokane who originally prescribed it told me that going off of it will be terrible. He said it's one of the worst withdrawals he's seen. I had such bad spasms that I was in bed all day without it, but I hate the thought of ever going off of it. I'm praying for you my dear friend.
Betsy said...

I'm so sorry you are going through so much pain and suffering....I have never had a reaction like that to any medicine I've taken. I hope you get some relief soon!

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

Well that sucks, I hope things improve pretty quick

Val Ewing said...

Oh geez. That sounds worse than a description of coming off from hard drugs. 😫

Sara said...

Oh dear - I hope you shake those symptoms quickly. How horrible!!

Anonymous said...

That's awful! Sending Prayers for you!

Galla Creek said...

Hoping this will pass. You have lots of mowing and weed killing to do!

diane in northern wis said...

Oh Connie, how horrible for you. Your symptoms sound so awful. I just pray that things will get better for you soon.

Anonymous said...

Hope today is better than yesterday!