Saturday, May 11, 2024

Andy and Jen, Little Elvis, Sadie

 Far Guy had Doctors appointments Up North so we left right after his Infusion on Thursday and came back late Friday afternoon.   He is doing okay.

Guess who else was happy to see us?

Little Elvis had a sleep over with us in our room.  He had a small problem last week, he caught a toe nail on something and it bled something fierce...and he traveled throughout the house doubt looking for help...poor boy.  Jen asked me if I wanted to take him home...I would like to but I don't think he would be happy here.  He doesn't hear anything, hand signals work the best with him...and I am not sure how much he can see.  

AND then there is the retriever...

She was so happy to finally get my shoe.  Her tail was wagging ninety miles an hour.  She enjoys being a shoe thief!

She wasn't the least bit remorseful.  However she did give up my shoe...eventually...but would not retrieve the other one.   Sadie is quite the dog, Thursday evening she went from person to person for attention.  Her own personal round table of attention.  She has been shutting herself in the bathroom...she goes in there to drink out of the toilet bowl...yes dogs do that!  I am sure her big old tail hits the door and the door partially closes behind her...she isn't brave enough to nose the door we worked on that a bit...with me standing outside the door saying "Sadie nose" and offering a treat through the open part of the door...she nosed it open multiple times.  Will she remember...not sure.  When she shuts herself in the bathroom she doesn't bark or whine she just waits patiently until someone rescues her.  Thats Sadie for you!

Did you know our son in law Andy is a marvelous cook? ...well he is...he made bacon cheeseburgers on the grill,  potato rounds in the air fryer and a caprese salad.  I miss his cooking and I miss the days off from cooking when he cooks! 

Jen is a good cook also...but she does not enjoy cooking like Andy does.  She is a marvelous baker! So they make a good team.

It was good to see everyone...we also got to see Adam,  Maddie and Andy's Mom!

Far Side


  1. Sounds like a perfect over night visit. Goldens - just have such funny personalities. I stopped at Jerilyn's last Sunday after dropping my husband at the airport. I had both Goldens pushing and shoving for attention. They are both such sweeties.

  2. Yum, good food and good company!
    Poor Elvis, I'm sure it was a mess to clean up. And that Sadie, what a character!

  3. Seeing Sadie makes me miss our Golden. They are awesome dogs.

  4. Dogs are performers. They make life interesting.

  5. What a happy, happy report! Also super glad you got to visit with so many people while feasting on a delicious meal.
    We have a cat who will shut herself in the bedroom. She is like a willful child and will do what she wants whenever she wants no matter if you fuss or reward! If she wasn't such a loving needy appreciative creature, she would be tossed somewhere but of course we won't because she is a rescue.
    Anyway - - she likes to continually paw at the cat in the mirror on the back of the door in that bedroom which is noisy to start with but also shuts the door. Then she vocalizes! I have had to cover the mirror for now and put a plastic hanger over the bottom hinge so the door won't shut. I would try training her but the only thing she has learned is when they get to split a very small can of cat food as a treat. However she is a sweetheart.

  6. Always fun to hear about your family visits. Little Elvis is a sweetheart. Sadie’s adventures always make me chuckle.

  7. What a great visit! I had to laugh at Sadie and the bathroom lockup! Miss Peeps drinks out of the toilet too and you know she has when you sit down!
    I drooled when you said bacon cheeseburger...both of which I love and neither can I have anymore. Sounded like a wonderful meal!

  8. Their home begins to feel like home to you as you’ve been there many moon. Poor Elsie is not rocking and rolling so well.

  9. Sounds like a wonderful visit with family (2 and 4-legged) and great food! I agree that Little Elvis would love for you to just be back there but might not want to actually be away from home. Sorry about the bleeding toe--goodness!
    Both dogs are just beautiful.
    I promise I will be writing back soon. Just haven't been feeling that well lately. Nothing serious, just enough to throw you off your game.

  10. LD….lots of fun with people and dogs. I can’t guess when we will be home. I have two projects to get done before then.

  11. I hope Sadie will remember how to get out of the bathroom. And I can almost see that tail going ninety miles an hour when she sees you.

  12. Poor Little Elvis. That Sadie, full of mischief! What a fun visit. And so glad Far Guy is doing well.

  13. sounds like such a nice visit to your family up North and to the pups too. Hope you both feel better with every day.

  14. I'm so glad Little Elvis got to see his favorite grandparents again!

  15. I would love both the dogs..Sadie looks so, so kind.

    Roger was a great cook when he wanted to be. And my daughter we live with likes to cook and try new recipes...our other daughter is a great, cook also. I am just weary of it, partly because husband does not care much about eating. He used to really like almost anything, and now things he used to love, he won't touch.


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