Thursday, May 9, 2024


 The Forsythia in town are all blooming. 

This one is wasted in a parking lot...

I did a mega shopping yesterday, stocked up on many things we use all the time.  Tourists will be here soon...or maybe they heard about the road construction that will begin May 13.  The road construction is between us and town, the detours will add five or six miles to our trip to town.  So we will have to leave earlier than normal.  Plus it is not supposed to be done until November.  Uffda

The new Aldi store is open now, it is located in a terrible spot for traffic.  After shopping you have to turn right instead of left because of the traffic...and then you need to go down the road a piece turn around and go back into town.  Only those high or crazy would attempt a left turn there.  

Far Guy is doing okay...he is pretty much pain free! The scan he had only showed one he should be good for now!

Far Side


  1. Tourist season is just starting here as well. Might be time for us to hit the road and become a tourist ourselves!

  2. Good news for Far Guy! Glad to hear he is feeling some better.

    Ah...road construction season. It is about to start here soon in our small town. I'll be glad to see the end of many of the large potholes. The project near you will be much more inconvenient. I hope the work is completed sooner than they say now.

  3. Forthsythia always make me happy. They are one of the first things to bloom here in early spring, along with the daffodils and the pink plum trees. Those are all long gone here now. It's your turn to experience their cheer.
    Good news about FG.

  4. They are building an Aldi in our town next to the big Walmart. The road situation is the same. The Walmart has a back access so I use that to leave.
    The DOT did change the traffic through town from 4 lanes to 2 and a large middle lane for turns.
    But the traffic is still nuts on weekends and holidays. At least the traffic is a bit slower now though.

    Good for FG!

    We can't wait for Aldi to be in town as it will give us a second choice over Walmart. The other grocery store in town shut down long ago.

    If you want to shop for good prices or a different store, it is now a 45 mile drive one way.

  5. For me any shopping is mega shopping. I don't like shopping.

  6. I think that parking lot NEEDS a forsythia.

  7. Hope you cope ok with that construction. Our Forsythia are pretty well over.

  8. One thing we don't have is tourist season. BUT all the towns around us have such a thing!

  9. Aldi is where I do most of the shopping. They don't have everything I want but they have most of it. I'm glad to hear about FG. He needs to catch a break!

  10. I detest tourist season, but appreciate the boost the visitors give to the economy, so I deal with the occasional frustrations. Glad to hear FG is feeling a bit better. Perhaps the town will put a stoplight in at the intersection in 10-15 years.

  11. No stone is the goal for sure. My wife had a stone blocking her bile duct which started this all. Surgery is not an option so I don’t know what they have for the next plan. LD

  12. Glad to hear Far Guy is doing better! My daughter lives in a big city and just got a new Aldi near her house! I shopped there and the bigger store has all kinds of items that my smaller store does not carry. It is easy to turn into the store, but just like you, I turned right to leave and went several blocks to a traffic light and turned around in a parking lot and came out. Not a fan of traffic.

  13. Smart to stock up before tourist season! Sorry you will be dealing with a much longer trip to town all summer long. I'm still so tickled you have that beautiful new stove to get to know this summer. ;)

  14. Wish we had an ALDIs . They have one about 40 miles from here. It’s by Sam’s. I’ll get to check it out soon. Our Forsythia’s bloomed in early April and late March. Glad Far Guy is better.

  15. Pleased to hear Far Guy is doing better

  16. It's the season for roadwork here too. Paving, mainly, then in Fall no doubt it will be necessary to dig a trench across the newly paved surface.

  17. my mom just loved to see the forsythia bloom in spring, not the manicured type bushes but the ones with the branches all hanging down...

  18. Uffda - too polite way of responding to extra road construction. We know it's necessary, but sure hate it while it's ongoing. We have a 17 mile stretch of construction between here and Sioux Falls right now.

    It's good to hear that FG is pain free.

  19. I always loved seeing the forsythia blooming- a sure sign of spring and such a cheerful color after the drabnass of winter.
    Glad your husband is feeling better!

  20. Lucky you with an Aldi store....Amy loves theirs and I have been the recipient of some of their other items that they carry in addition to food.
    So glad for Far sounds like it's "a stones throw away"!


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