Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Flags for Veterans

 Last week we witnessed flag delivery high on the hill where my parents are buried. 

A few vehicles parked at the bottom of the hill and children emerged with flags. 

My brother asked one of the little girls for a flag since Dad's flag holder is not at the grave yet. 

My Grandmother's Gold Star flag holder on the left and my Dad's flag on the right. 

Since we were there last week my Mother's day of death has been inscribed on the headstone. 

Far Side


Donna said...

What a peaceful place...Glad you were able to get a flag for your Dad...
We miss them, don't we...
Big hug

Maebeme said...

A lovely tribute to those who served.

Sandi said...

❤️🤍💙 So glad they do this.

Sandy said...

Honoring our Vets is very meaningful. It's been awhile, but I used to belong to a group that flagged Veterans sections at cemeteries.

www.self-sufficientsam.blogspot.com said...

My grands deliver flags every Memorial Day. I think that is a great way to honor the veterans and their families.

Sandra said...

This is a peaceful place. I'm glad you were able to have your father honored.

Betsy said...

It is so wonderful that people are willing to do that for the veterans. I'm glad you were there so you could get a flag for your Dad.

Ed said...

I spent this past Thursday morning putting flags out in our cemeteries. It is a labor of love. I was supposed to be out this morning picking them all up for next year but I have caught a massive head cold over the weekend so left that job to other kind souls.

Jenn Jilks said...

What a lovely thing to do.

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

What a cool thing to do

Miss Merry said...

Peaceful. I am sure they are so happy to be together.

Linda Reeder said...

It's good that you were there to see the flags placed and get one for your dad.