Wednesday, May 22, 2024


 Nothing better in the Spring than to see the striking green color of ferns that survive our Minnesota winters! 

It helps that we are getting rain:)

Far Side


Wildflower Adventures said...

I love to see ferns too. Those are nice ones.

Sandi said...


Galla Creek said...

I love ferns. Remind me of a cool breeze!

Maebeme said...

I especially like the ferns when they first pop out of the ground. Seeing them unfurl is always amazing to me. They are such a pretty green too!

Red said...

I will have to get out in the woods again. I've been tied up at home with being busy and very poor weather.

Sandra said...

Ferns were here when we moved in and I am so glad. They brighten the spring.

Terry and Linda said...

We don't have ferns here. So nice to see them

Jennifer said...

Gasp! It’s Noah’s birthday today.

Miss Merry said...

What a beautiful green! My daughter has ferns popping up all over her borders at her new house.

Linda Reeder said...

There's that wonderful new-green color of spring. We are into dark green already.

The Furry Gnome said...

I love ferns! We have at least six different kinds in our garden.

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

Not something I seed around here but they are nice

Alana said...

Any green after winter is most welcome. These look a lot like the ferns that grow in our part of New York State.

Rita said...

Oh yes! I do love ferns!
More rain is on the way. They will be happy. :)

Jenn Jilks said...

Indeed! That bright green is wonderful. said...

They are beautiful!