Monday, May 13, 2024

Spring has sprung

 The Marsh Marigolds are blooming.  

Tractors are in the fields. 

Far Guy saw two rabbits in the yard yesterday so maybe we will have lots of little bunnies running around before long! 

The Pin Cherries are in bloom...all signs of Spring here in Minnesota. 

We are also getting wild fire smoke from the neighbors up North. 

Far Side


Donna said...

I love Spring!
Happy Week!

DJan said...

Wildfire smoke already? It's just mid-May. I hope it's a rarity. But I suspect it's gonna be that kind of summer.

Maebeme said...

We had rhe smoke Saturday evening. Temperatures dropped yesterday and I could smell it in the air this morning. It seems we're in for a long fire season.
Love the photos of the flowers!

Jenn Jilks said...

We have Marsh marigolds! I must hustle down and see if they are up! Thanks for the reminder.

Red said...

Surprising how much smoke we have with just few fires. Sorry for sending the smoke.

Sandra said...

We even have the smoke down here. Not good. The lilacs are blooming and also the wild violets It's so pretty.

Galla Creek said...

Those marigolds are so pretty. I love watching men working on tractors!

Tired Teacher said...

Pretty photos. Spring still hasn’t arrived in Laramie, but maybe this week.

Terry and Linda said...

FIRE!!! That is the worst part of Spring, Summer and Fall. Sigh!

The Furry Gnome said...

Always loved the Marsh Marigolds. We have enough of rabbits here!

Linda Reeder said...

Yay for your spring arriving, but, Oh No, not wild fires already?!

Shirley said...

We have smoke here too, from fires way north.
Spring is springing too!

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

Spring is such a lovely time of year said...

Not again...are those the same fires from last year or new ones? LOL! Beautiful signs of Spring you have up there!

Granny Marigold said...

Just watched the BC news and wildfires are definitely the main subject. Sure hope firefighters can get it under control quickly.

diane in northern wis said...

So glad Spring has sprung by you! Looks and sounds just great. Can't wait to smell the lilacs! Take good care. Hope we don't get those cicadas!

Rita said...

Was so smokey! Smells wonderful, to be honest, but you know how bad it is when you know it is drifting down from Canada.
Lovely flowers! The trees are filling out, too. :)