Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Smoke and other stuff

 It was very smoky on Sunday.  I took a few photos on our way to have late lunch/early supper with my brothers and their wives on Mother's Day.   The meal was good, I had my first margarita of the summer, half strength...I am a light weight. 

Excuse the bugs on the windshield.  The smoke cleared out late Monday morning and we ran a few errands in town....something for the old car Tilly and bird food...the birds are very hungry this Spring...especially the  Rose Breasted Grosbeaks!  The Hummingbirds are busy at their feeder too! 

The road construction has not started yet!  Maybe we will get one more week before they show up.

The Chokecherries are really putting on the blooms, we will have a bumper crop of berries if it doesn't freeze.  Hope the bees are active enough to pollinate the flowers! 

I mowed at my other baby brothers shop yesterday and our front yard, I am leaving our side yards that are full of Dandys for the bees.  I mowed for  about ninety minutes. ..that was enough for the day. 

Far Guy is busy working on Tilly...something about valves and gaskets...he is feeling pretty good at the moment.  Getting a bit stronger everyday. 

Far Side



  1. Smokey here as well. Those grossbeaks are obsessed with the bird feeder, it is like they attack it by the dozens every day. They can empty that thing within a matter of hours!

  2. So happy Far Guy is feeling better...and I would love to have a cherry tree!

  3. I sure did enjoy last year's chokecherry jelly you gifted me with! I am so happy to hear that FG is doing so well, stronger every day.

  4. That smoke is really something! That can't be good for anyone much less Far Guy but so glad he is feeling better! I have no hummers this year....my one little guy and his "wife" didn't make it back and the others go to my neighbor so I am not feeding anyone this year. She has lots of food so they won't go hungry.

  5. I had sort of forgotten about the Canadian wildfires with the rain we've been getting and it not being on our evening news. But last night, it made the evening news again. It was raining here most of the day so I didn't notice or see the poor air quality that we supposedly had yesterday.

  6. I like wild berries from buds to berries.

  7. Glad to hear that Far Guy is feeling better - I'm sure having the smoke in the air isn't good for him.

    Our strawberry patch has put out its first blooms. I'm hopeful we'll see enough pollination to get a few berries.

  8. I am so very glad to hear that FarGuy is feeling more himself and spending time with Tilly!
    Don't smell as much smoke now today. I hope the fires are getting put out.
    Enjoy your week! :)

  9. FG working on the car - that's a good sign he's feeling better. Does that wildfire smoke make things worse for him? It was really smokey here yesterday morning.

  10. Sara, Yes the wildfire smoke is not good for him. We have two air purifiers in the house. So if it is smokey he stays inside.

  11. I think your Grosbeak came from my place. Mine are gone! Warmer weather makes us all feel better. Glad Far Guy is working on his car!

  12. I don't think smokey air ism good for anyone, just worse for those like Far Guy. I have never heard of chokecherries

  13. Is it going to be a long smoky summer? It seems so early for that. Especially for FG's sake I hope it all blows somewhere else.

  14. Glad Far Guy is feeling better. It's a bit smokey here too but not nearly like it was in Washington.
    I'm sorry I haven't been around much for the last week. We went camping for three days, (in the rain), then we had houseguest that arrived less than an hour after we arrived home. I was still in the shower as they were quite early. They just left today and I was going to try to play catch up on blogs but I'm ready to just start today! :-)

  15. If Far Guy is feeling up to working on Tilly he must be on the mend. I hope the smoke doesn't affect his lungs.

  16. Sorry to hear about your smoke. I hope that won't be all summer again. Sounds like you're both doing pretty well....pray that keeps up for you. Beautiful day here today and beautiful sunset tonight. Take good care, friends.

  17. I noted that our Chokecherry blossoms were starting to burst open. I'd like to collect some this year to make juice to go along with wild apple and wild grape juice for jellies!

  18. We had that smoke last year where I live in New York State - please make sure Far Guy is very careful. I had super irritated eyes but, fortunately, I don't have lung issues. I continue to think of you both.


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