Monday, May 6, 2024

Kidney stones oh my

 Far Guy  is having a bout with kidney stones...his first experience.   I told him it is worse than labor pains.  We will head to the clinic see if they can figure out if it is small enough to pass. 

I drink lemonade most all of the time to help dissolve my stones should I have any...I am a stone maker, as are our daughters.  

I keep telling Far Guy he will live...

We had beautiful weather yesterday, the evening was perfect 66 degrees and a slight breeze.   I sat outside for awhile...heard the Loons calling down on the lake. 

I put out a whirly gig.

I got all my new solar lights out ready to replace the non working ones. 

Far Side


  1. Dang! If it isn't one thing, it is another!

    I've never had kidney stones, but I did hear they are pretty awful.

    Oh how I'd love to hear loons again. When I spent summers in Northern WI, I heard them a lot by the lakes. They are beautiful birds.

  2. I had kidney stones once long ago. It was indeed a very excruciating experience. I hope the doctor is able to help him get them passed. Sigh.

  3. Oh man - hopefully he will pass that stone.

    I have a weakness for solar lights, and have several. I bought a couple of new small hanging ones last week. One is hanging from the front porch roof and the other is near the back deck hanging with the bird feeders.

  4. Poor Far Guy! I've had kidney stones twice and both times I was able to pass the darned thing after a few hours of excruciating pain. I do hope the docs are able to take care of it for him.

    Love the whirlygig!

  5. That sounds so painful! Hope he gets better soon.

  6. Oh no... hope he can pass them soon. He has enough on his plate.
    I love solar lights especially when I wake up at 3 am and see that they are still lighting up the driveway. We have solar powered electric fence for the horses and it works great.

  7. Our older daughter is the only one who deals with kidney stones. Don't know where she got that from because Bill and I and the other daughter are - - very thankfully - - fine.
    I like that colorful looking windmill. Did you find that locally or online?

  8. Well, if it isn't one thing it's something else! Poor Far Guy. That has to be miserable for him. Kidney stones are so painful. Hope the doctor has a magic potion for him.

  9. I haven’t ever had a kidney stone and don’t want one! Love the yard whirly jig.

  10. FG cannot catch a break. I understand the pain is excruciating. It has been a very nice couple of days. Rain tomorrow.

  11. Poor Far Guy. I've heard that kidney stones can be very painful.

  12. Listening to loons sounds wonderful.
    I have never experienced kidney stones. Knock on wood. I understand the pain can be excruciating.

  13. OH my gosh. Enough is enough. Now kidney stones? Can't that man catch a break! Hope they pass quickly.

  14. Never had kidney stones and don't want to as I have heard how painful they are

  15. Oh my goodness....what next? Praying all will be well with far guy soon!

  16. oh no. Stones any type :( Hope this passes soon.

  17. P.S. Thanks for the Hobby Lobby answer. Spring stuff is on sale this week I think. I may stop there on Friday or even this afternoon!

  18. Whoa Nellie...Far guy is having a real time of it! Ouch, I hear they are very painful! i don't want one so I guess I will start drinking more lemonade...I usually drink it in the summer. Do you buy real lemons or use the reconstituted lemon juice? I use Real Lemon and just make 1 glass at a time. Good stuff! I hope they can give him something for the pain or hit it with a laser!

  19. Sam I use the packets either real lemon or crystal light


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