Wednesday, May 29, 2024


 The Trillium are in bloom. 

Such pretty blooms.

There is a Large - Flowered Bellwort in the photo too...the yellow flower above the left bloom. 

Fun to see the Spring Wildflowers bloom one by one. 

Far Side


Val Ewing said...

I was so excited this spring to find beautiful Trillium and Bellwort ! They are so wonderful to see and so fleeting.

Donna said...

Such a sweet tiny flower!

Wildflower Adventures said...

That's a nice big patch of them. I too like seeing the wildflowers as they bloom 1 by 1. It's like going on a wildflower hunt to see what's in bloom.

Sara said...

The wildflowers are so delicate looking and pretty.

Maebeme said...

Nice! I don't believe we see trillium here, but they are the provincial flower of Ontario.

Betsy said...

So pretty. I always enjoy seeing the trillium bloom.

Terry and Linda said...

You have such beautiful and very different plants than we do. Even in our forests. I enjoy seeing them.

Sandra said...

They are so pretty.

Galla Creek said...

There are so many. I’d love to see them in person.

Granny Marigold said...

Lovely 💗

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

Yes so pretty said...

What a beautiful flower!

Red said...

Where there is heALTHY native habitat there are many wild flowers.

Rita said...

They are such pretty flowers!
Hope you two are doing well. :)

Linda Reeder said...

So many trillium! Are they in your yard?

Shirley said...

I miss seeing wildflowers. When I was little, it always seemed so magical to wander in the woods and spot all the little flowers blooming.

Far Side of Fifty said...

Linda Reeder we have just one plant with one bloom that my husband planted years ago:)

Dawn said...

They are so pretty. One of my favorites, probably because they were one of my mom's favorites and we hardly ever saw them when I was growing up. Now I see more of them, even in the woods around here and we're pretty developed with houses and stores. But up north? Thousands and thousands of them. So pretty.

Karen said...

Pretty nice. Ours were finished a week or so back.

Jenn Jilks said...

I think ours are done here! I miss them.