Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Strange Noise

We were sitting on the patio Monday evening with my other baby brother and she who sees robins first.  

We heard a strange noise coming our way.  Not a bird, not a plane, not superman. We thought it might be a was not.

It was a flying machine.  Like a go cart on steroids in the sky with a colorful canopy/chute.

She who sees robins first got some photos and shared them with me. 

Not the kind of thing I would like to do...too scared of heights. 

Far Side


  1. We have a neighbor who does this once in a while. I also knew a guy I worked with who had an ultra light and crash landed it. It was a bit to do ... thankfully he wasn't hurt.

    Nope, you wouldn't find me in one of those.

  2. No sitting out on the patio here. Mosquitoes will carry you off.

  3. Looks like fun to me. Of course, I have a bit of familiarity with canopies. This is different, though.

  4. Ditto! I do not like heights either....I hope they land safely.

  5. You and me both. I always say there is a reason I only grew to 5'2". But I bet the view from that height would be amazing.

  6. We've seen those at the lake when we were camping. I'm with you though, I'm scared of heights and have no desire to ride in one of those.

  7. They look pretty fragile and the wind could be a problem.

  8. Well - - I am not crazy about heights but that also looks like something I would never do unless it was the only chance of escape I had if I wanted to save my life. Each to his own.

  9. We had one that flew over daily for a couple of years. I bet it's been 20 years since I've seen it. Wouldn't be my cuppa, either

  10. Me too! Or jump out of a plane or fly in a wing-suit...

  11. I would love to see the view, but am afraid of heights--so not in person. Still photos I can handle, but even watching videos from heights makes my stomach flip! This had to be quite a surprise to see! :)

  12. I suffer from vertigo at times and I don't think I would attempt riding in one of these. But I do like to look at heights from tall buildings.

  13. I could never do that I am afraid of open heights

  14. I see this in the sky where I live. It think because it’s in an open space surrounded by high hill they cast off from. I love when the balloons go over.

  15. Somebody was having fun up in the gorgeous blue sky.

  16. Have seen these many times in the mountains of Wyoming. Love watching them but wouldn't do it myself. I have para-sailed though, over the Gulf of Mexico.
    Very cool.

  17. I think I would be too afraid to even open my eyes if riding in that thing. There was a local farmer who built of these contraptions years ago. He would fly it around, but if I remember right it spent more time in the shop getting repairs than it did in the air.

  18. I did that once and it was amazing! The whole take off and landing and what it looks like up there, sitting in basically a lawn chair with no real sides. I honestly can't believe I did it, but I'm so glad I did. I would probably do it again.


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