Monday, June 10, 2024

Look OUT!

 For the Poison Ivy! 

We had enough rain to nurture the poison ivy to great some areas it looks like a shrub...a nasty shrub. 

I sprayed this area as it is near the house...soon it will be dead.   It felt good to spray it.

Yes I know I am weird.

Far Side


Wanderingcatstudio said...

I accidentally got into poison ivy about 13 years ago... I am terrified to have it happen again - I would joyfully spray it too!

Maebeme said...

I don't have poison ivy, but I took great pleasure in spraying the weeds in the back yard. They have to be gone before I even think about seeding the area - at this rate I won't be doing that until the fall.

So, if you're weird, so am I!

Sara said...

That darn poison ivy! My husband has been out spraying weeds below our back yard on the hillside. No poison ivy, but lots of Canadian Thistle again this year. The neighbors across the "valley" don't spray so it's a constant battle.

Betsy said...

I understand that joy in killing that nasty thing. I'm terribly allergic to poison ivy. If I get anywhere downwind of it, I get it. I don't even have to touch it. I hope you get rid of it all.

Terry and Linda said...

I understand that feeling. I Feel That Way about Dock and Canadian Thistle

Linda Reeder said...

While we don't spray a lot, we do spray weeds that love to sprout in our gravel areas at home at at the Whidbey cabin. And yes, we are happy to see those weeds wilt.

Sandra said...

I don't know if I've ever seen poison ivy. If I have I didn't get into it. Weird is good.

Rita said...

Anyone who has run into it would know intimately why it would bring great joy to spray it--lol! ;)

The Furry Gnome said...

That's one I always taught my students!

Leilani Weatherington said...

My husband is terribly allergic to it and so we take great pleasure in spraying it.

Galla Creek said...

I join weird with you. Killing weeds gives me pleasure and killing poison Ivy makes me happy. Laura gets it easily. Red head I guess. Then it can spread over her entire body. I think poison Ivy could kill some folks. I friend from school burned wood in her fireplace not knowing it was on the wood. She got it even in her nostrils.

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

Never seen poison ivy, it isn't found around where I live

Jenn Jilks said...

I have done the same. I feel badly, but I've had several encounters with it and it did not go well!

Val Ewing said...

Yes the poison ivy is out and flowering! My neighbor just wacked it all down by the mailbox. I don't dare spray in that area.

I have been fighting Wild Parsnip though, it is on the other side of the fence and it just keeps moving over to our land. No one mows the large meadow to the east of us, so it is a yearly battle.

I bet it feels good to watch it wilt.

Lynda said...

I, too, feel good to kill the invasive weeds - - - especially the ones that can send you to the doctor if you are super sensitive to them!

diane in northern wis said...

Poison ivy is so nasty. Hope it will be gone soon from your yard.

Granny Marigold said...

I can see why you'd take great pleasure in killing the darn stuff.

Dawn said...

We have had a lot of rain too...and I'm noticing poison ivy along the trails I walk. It's probably in our back yard too, I should go look. We don't go all the way back there often.

Anonymous said...

I have been in the lookout for leaves of three. The flower beds and under the trees seem to be where the birds 'plant' the seeds after eating the berries . I stick a flag into some spots so I can keep check after spraying or weeding it out.

M in NC

MaryP said...

My daughter and her husband lived on a small 12 acre farm, and there was poison ivy everywhere. They bought some goats (for milk) and discovered that goats love to eat poison ivy. It is like candy to them. Within a few months, no more poison ivy anywhere.

Shug said...

I have two grandsons who are very allergic to poison ivy....That is some bad stuff....glad you sprayed it.. said...

I've had some bad reactions to it myself. It's nothing to mess with ...good for you!

L. D. said...

Yes with good spring rains the ivy will grow.

Anonymous said...

If you ever have been misfortunate to get poison ivy you would also feel good about spraying it. I have had it twice. Once as a young child I thought the red leaves in the fall were pretty and touched it. Another time mid life age I was distributing mulch in different places. The mulch must have had poison ivy mulched in it and boy did I have a bad case all over my hands.