Saturday, June 15, 2024

Late late Lilac

 The Late Lilac is almost past full bloom.  It had more blooms than I thought it would. 

It is a bright spot in the yard! 

I mowed the yard yesterday, it looks pretty good again.  Far Guy fired up Tilly and we went to town yesterday...just a couple of errands...a prescription and to the Farm Supply store for ant killer, grass seed and diatomaceous earth and a stop by the gas station to fuel her up! 

Far Side


Maebeme said...

The color of the lilac is very pretty!

Your shopping list tells me there is yard work being done. ;)

Sara said...

We reached that age when running errands counts as "going out" haven't we? We attended a college alumni social on Thursday, and then went for a drive out around the lake because Dave wanted to show me the new house his former boss built. And I used to laugh at my parents for taking drives - just to look at things. LOL

Terry and Linda said...

Those quick rides in an old car are a true vacation!!

Sandra said...

That sounds like a good day. FG seems to be feeling much better, that's wonderful.

The Furry Gnome said...

That is a late Lilac!

Granny Marigold said...

I imagine when You go to town in Tilly there are lots of admiring looks and comments!!

At first I thought you just happened to have a lilac that was late but on looking it up I see that Late Lilac is actually a kind on its own. 💜

Aritha V. said...

Very nice lilac

Alana said...

The age of drives being a vacation - we are there, too. You enabled me to enjoy lilacs past their bloom season here in New York and I thank you for that.

Miss Merry said...

I love lilacs and especially their scent! We have at least 7 lilac bushes that I have planted over the years, but ours usually are done blooming by June 1. I am sure that is a combination of weather in my location and the varieties I purchased.

Betsy said...

Such a pretty late lilac. I'm glad you went out for a drive. Dennis and I did the same thing. We actually drove around the area that was hit so bad by the tornado in April. It was the first time we've been there since the storm. We didn't want to be in the way of the clean up. It's just so sad.

Linda Reeder said...

A ride in Tilly - fun, fun, fun!

diane in northern wis said...

Good Ole Tilly.....what a beautiful car. Love your lilac too!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for this pic of a late lilac bloomer. Precious! Dee

Rita said...

The late bloomer is so pretty!
Glad FarGuy is feeling better.
I plan to buy my ant killers from now on. Sometimes homemade is just not better--lol! ;)