Thursday, June 13, 2024

Well I'll be

 My Japanese Tree Lilac has blooms!  This is exciting because this is only the second time in 26 years!

See one bloom toward the center of the photo. 

There are more very high in the tree.

Far Side


  1. Neat! I had to look up the name of that since I am not familiar with it.
    Our town has planted these along some of the streets and I had no idea what they were.
    Now I know!

    Do they grow very big? The ones in town have been pretty 'showy' when they blossom.

  2. You must be so excited! I wonder what the trick was!!!

  3. Very pretty indeed. I wonder why now? Whatever the reason, thanks for sharing it.

  4. Does it smell like the blooms on lilac bush?

  5. I am looking forward to see the blooms.

  6. Oh wow! Such a rare occurrence is very exciting. Makes you wonder why...what has been different the past year or the year it bloomed last time. So cool! :)

  7. Wonderful to see it bloom after so many years without blooms. This is the first year in quite a few that the mock-orange bush that my mother gave me from her yard has been full of flowers. It was almost smothered by a wild honeysuckle bush which is an invasive species around here. I finally got the honey suckle cut out of it. Now to keep an eye on it so the honeysuckle doesn't return.

  8. I love when God gives us a sweet surprise like that!

  9. I haven't heard of that species either. It must like the weather.

  10. I don't think I've ever seen this type of lilac. How exciting to have it blooming!

  11. I've never seen or heard of a Japanese lilac tree.. Interesting. does it have great perfume aromai like our regular ones? 26 years is a long time to wait for something to bloom!!

  12. Yes it has some aroma like lilacs, the blooms are a creamy white. I have no idea why it has only bloomed twice in 26 years. Sunlight maybe.

  13. WOW, I wonder if you will have to wait another 26 years for it bloom again

  14. How exciting for you. I wonder why it hasn't bloomed more often... Glad you posted pictures.

  15. How wonderful to finally have blooms. That's a long time to wait!

  16. Isn't that interesting? I wonder why it would only bloom occasionally. Enjoy the novelty!

  17. Yay! Cause for a little celebration!

  18. Every once in a while there is a very stubborn plant. You fixed it. You waited this guy out.

  19. I never heard of a tree lilac but I love them all.


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