Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Wistful Wednesday: 1958 My 7th Birthday

In September of 1958 I was 7 years old.

7th birthday 1958

In 1958 I was in first grade, and my baby brother was four years old, my other baby brother was not even a twinkle in my Dad’s eye yet nor was my sister. My Dad would have been 32 years old that Fall.

My Mother took this photo and baked the birthday cake.  We are standing on the south side of the house in front of the Honeysuckle bush/tree.  This was the old house before it was remodeled.  That is my bedroom window, my room was just off the living room, it was small with just room enough for a single bed and a dresser… My brother was probably still sleeping in his crib.

Back in 1951 I was born at 1:20 AM and weighed 7 pounds and 11 ounces and was 21 1/2 inches long.  My Dad was in Korea when I was born. I would go home with my mother to my Maternal Grandparents home.

Yes I am older today.  You can do the math. 

Later today Far Guy will take me out for a late lunch/early supper where I will have a half strength frozen original margarita to celebrate.  (Full strength makes me sleepy and looking for a place to nap it off.)

Happy Birthday to me!

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  1. Happy Birthday and enjoy that lunch/supper with the half strength margarita! That is a drink I always enjoy but mine has to be full strength!

  2. Happy Birthday! I so enjoy your blog!
    Long time reader from Minnesota.

  3. Happy birthday!! You are almost the same age as our older son. What a good idea for the half strength drink. Full strength would put me to sleep too.

  4. Happy Birthday, Connie!!! I hope you have an awesome birthday. Most alcohol, these days, puts me to sleep. Just not as young as I used to be.

  5. Me again. I was admiring your curly blond hair and your dress with a poofy slip underneath to hold it out. It looks new for the occasion and a little extra long so it will "last". Hope you have a lovely day.

  6. Happy birthday! Love the picture, the smile and the cake. :-)

  7. Happy birthday. My birthday is next Thursday and I'm a wee bit older than you.

  8. Happy Birthday! Enjoy your day and hope the wrist/hand is doing better!

  9. Happy Birthday!!
    I decided this year I would have a week of eating out for a meal. Couldn't do it for a week straight. Eating out food didn't set well on my tummy.
    I was born in September of 1958.

  10. Happy, happy birthday, Connie!!!
    Love the photo. Back when the best pictures were taken outside in the sunlight--but the person with the camera had to have their back to the sun so everyone in the picture was squinting--LOL! So familiar!
    Have a good one!! :)

  11. Happy Birthday! Enjoy your special day! I love the photo - it reminds me of my youth. Thank you for sharing with us all these years.

  12. Happy Birthday dear friend!!!! I wish I was there and we could both have a margarita....I would buy! LOL! They make me lippy though....more lippy than usual! Ha! Ha! I hope you have a wonderful day and a wonderful year! You are such a cutie...then and now! Hugs ~ Sam

  13. Happy birthday! Gosh, a margarita sounds good right about now. I'm still working on my morning coffee, and it's already after lunch. Very sweet old photo. Cheers!

  14. Happy Birthday!! Enjoy your day!

  15. Happy birthday. Have a great day. Remember you're not that old. I did the math.

  16. I hope you had a great birthday. I'm often the last to comment because I don't normally get to my computer until afternoon and with the time differences and all... And I did the math. You're 6 years younger than I am.

  17. I hope your birthday was a good one, you young thing, you.

  18. Happy birthday a day late. I hope the meal was good when you ate out.

  19. Happy belated birthday! We were in Indiana yesterday for a funeral and ended up driving past our old house, from when I was 7. It was neat to see, but I wish I had a picture from those days. It was all fixed up and fancy and now in a trendy neighborhood rather than just a bungalow out in the country. I have a few good memories from there though.

  20. Happy Birthday! Hope you had a wonderful day!

  21. Best birthday wishes for you. Many you have many more.

  22. Belated wishes and I love the photo.


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