Sunday, November 2, 2014

What a difference a few months makes

This is the Virgin’s Bower and the Wild Roses.July Wild Roses and Virgin's bower

July 2014


October 25, 2014

To everything there is a season…

I am not a fan of falling back in the Fall…but I do it.  It takes awhile for my body to adjust to the new time….who knew an hour could make such a difference?  Remember to change your batteries in your smoke detectors and Carbon Monoxide Detectors.  I know your batteries might not be all used up…but you are worth it!

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  1. It is a shock to have them yank an hour and then now give it back. We didn't have the very hard freeze that they predicted. I haven't got my snow stick out yet but it is going to happen. My son's state, Maine, got snow.

  2. I think I prefer the fall adjustment to the spring one.

  3. The time change messes us and our pets up! Thanks for the reminder for the batteries.

  4. Falling back bugs me - but it is more the lack of light that comes with the shorter days that effects me, I think. When it gets dark at 5 PM, I want to crawl into a hole. Time to hibernate!

  5. It's interesting to see the transformation. We set the clocks back an hour, but just made the dogs wait for half an hour to get them them a chance to adjust.

  6. You have been boycotted too I see!

    We have heat's too early for us!

  7. Our male Boston Terrier was still on Daylight Saving Time for quite a while last year when it changed in the fall. Poor guy wanted to do things at his usual times. I will have to see if I can do better for him this year. The one good thing about going back to regular time is that it is lighter in the morning when we get up. Getting dark earlier in the evening doesn't seem to bother me.

    Shirley H.

  8. We had our first frost , very early for us to have 30 temp this morning.

  9. Thanks for the reminder because I had forgotten.

  10. Nice day here today, will not last I know... Yes, what a difference a few months make, not a big fan of time change either.Blessings Francine.

  11. We have become obsessed by time. I'm sure you can remember the days of wind up clocks. Many times the clocks stopped. The radio batteries were dead. What did we do? We phoned the neighbors to get the time.

  12. Wow! What a difference! We will be so sick and tired of that dead brown look by February.

  13. Hmm, good reminder about the batteries. I used to think I liked the extra hour of sleep in the fall, but I can tell that it really just messes me up as much as losing an hour in the spring. Sheesh. Have a great week!

  14. Good reminders about the batteries ! I know I to find the hour back hard to adjust to as well ! Thanks for sharing . Have a good day !

  15. It is surprising how much difference one hour can make. It takes awhile for me not to be hungry on daylight savings time. Spring and losing the hour is harder, though.

  16. A nice seasonal comparison. I van see why the summer is preferred.

  17. I am such a creature of habit, even my eating schedule is thrown off for a few days!!!!

  18. I don't like the time change twice a year and it would be great if we would stop doing it. My two cents worth.

  19. I'm ready for them to stop with the time change. Those two pictures are a good juxtaposition, showing two very different seasons. :-)

  20. We're just the opposite, I never get used to the Daylight Savings time and I hate it. I'm happy now. It's funny you should mention the detectors as my CO detector went off because of a low battery just about the time it was due to be changed. I think it knew. LOL! Thanks for the reminder.


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