Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Last of July

 I had a quiet Tuesday, I cleaned the bathroom and did some laundry and tackled some odds and ends and then had an afternoon nap.  Still feeling pretty wiped out.  

Now we can say goodbye to July and hello August.  

Far Side

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Oh my

 Well...yesterday I began infusions of a new miracle drug called Actemra at the Infusion Center.  About 7 minutes into the infusion I started  to feel "funny" throat felt scratchy and constricted.  Something was not right.  A heavy weight descended on my chest, like I might drown.  It was hard to breathe and difficult to swallow.

Luckily Nurse Lynn was there within seconds and stopped the IV and began to administered other meds.   She called a code and soon the room was full of Nurses and a Doctor...more meds were given after another bout of feeling "more funny" ...finally I started to feel better but was still wonky and then began to feel better....just tired. 

I will live to see another day.  The meds made me real sleepy and I spent the afternoon asleep.   Far Guy was with me for the infusion and kept watch over me in the afternoon. 

Darn.  I failed another med.  It seems hopeless...I wonder if they will ever find a RA med that will work for me??  So far I have failed Arava ( mouth and tongue ulcers), Humira ( six months with no change in symptoms), Enbrel (extremely high blood pressure), Orencia ( tremors, headache, fatigue) and now Actemra.

Enough excitement for the week.  My RA Doctor is aware and I have an appointment to see my Primary Care Dr in Grand Forks, ND next week.

Far Side


Monday, July 29, 2024


 I am crocheting something for me...well if I like it when it is done. 

It is a shawl, using a variegated very thin yarn.   I have a long ways to go.  It is slow going. Many things are slow going these days.   

Far Side

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Quiet Day

 I had a quiet day...I did some laundry and put a roast in the crockpot.  Salad and roast pork was what was for supper.  It was a warm day the high was 86F or 30C eh!   I read, watched/ napped through a couple of movies and played a game with Aubrey and Katie.  

Aubrey is here for a few more days with her Mom and Dad last week she had surgery in the Cities, she had two bone grafts in her mouth.  She is a trooper...still looking at 2 or 3 surgeries after the grafts.  Aubrey is our great niece and she was born with a bilateral cleft palate and has endured many surgeries. 

Far Guy went to a nearby car show he gathered with his Car Club group.  He said it was a miserable AC in the old gal Tilly.  I comforted myself thinking that at least I had a car with AC should he break down and need a ride. 

Far Side

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Ants and Xrays

 Here is a mound I am watching for ant activity.  It has a trail headed off of it that disappears into the woods.  I put the old solar light as a marker for the small Lilac that is in the left of the photo.  This is in the wildflower gardens East of the house. 

I take the riding lawn mower out to apply ant "stuff"  easier than hobbling around and no ants bite my legs.  The Cornfield Ants are very busy this year and are quite a challenge for me. 

As for my hobbling around...I had Xrays and there are numerous reasons for left hip, knee, ankle and back pain.  Waiting to see what the specialists say about repairs or if they are all NRTS...not repairable this station. 

Me on the riding mower.  I wear a long sleeved shirt that has seen better days, safety glasses and a floppy hat, I tuck my sweat pants into my tall red rubber boots....I am quite a sight. Being a lawn mowing goddess is all about the proper attire.  I wish safety glasses had a nose guard as a branch that I should have cut off years ago keeps hitting me in the nose.

Far Side

Friday, July 26, 2024

Warm Spell and Dreaming

 We are headed for a warm spell...low 90's /high 80's for the next ten days. 

Thursday is infusion day for Far Guy and I ran errands.   Everyone and their Uncle was in town.  Only one parking spot at the meat market and I got it so I didn't have to hobble a block or drive around the block until someone left a spot.  Two maybe three more weeks of tourists, many States start school in mid August.  

I mowed yesterday, next door and at my other baby brothers shop.  It was comfortable to mow in the shade.  I have designed the perfect lawn mower many times in my head...too darn old to put it to paper and give it a whirl.  I think about it when I should be a totally enclosed deck with four mulching blades that are easy to discharge chute...who needs grass flying in the air.  It would have room for two of my main sprayers...poison ivy killer and thistle killer and a spot for my branch cutter....maybe even an attachment that would come out on a robotic arm to trim the grass around trees....alas it is only a dream...but I can still see myself multitasking when I am mowing. 

Far Side

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Neighbors new puppy

 The neighbors Steve and Jo got a new puppy.  A tri color Aussie.   Her name is Toots. 

She is sure cute.

Typical puppy; sharp teeth and short attention span. 

Far Side

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Little blue flower

 I think these wildflowers over at my baby brothers are very pretty.

You can see Baxter provides a good back drop for flowers. 

I am not sure what the flowers are...they look like Forget me nots, but those are biennial and this is the first year wildflower planting. 

Far Side

Tuesday, July 23, 2024


 I would not do this but it was fun to see and hear this fella the other night.  

Here is a pretty good side view of his flying contraption.

We were at the I managed the old windmill in the photo.

Monday was a quiet day, I killed some ants and did some laundry.  I put ribs in the crock pot, Far Guy made us a baked potato and green beans. 

We are getting some smoke from the wildfires up North. 

Far Side

Monday, July 22, 2024

Old Dogs

 Old dogs grow weary, their joints ache, their hearing and sight fail...but they have had a good life.

It is easier to recall them as puppies...recalling the puppy breath, sharp toe nails and teeth.  Puppies always make us smile. 

March of 2012 Steve and Jo next door neighbors got a little Aussie pup and named him Putzer or Putz for short.   He was a very special little puppy. 

Odda, Putz and our Border Collie Chance in 2012.  

These three were great friends, always happy to see each other and ready for a good game of chase.  Putz always greeted us, his whole body wagged.

Sadly Putz crossed the Rainbow Bridge on July 2, 2024.  His nose was still good, but he couldn't hear or see much.  His faithful friends Odda (2009-2021) and Chance(2004-2018) were probably waiting for his arrival. 
Far Side

Sunday, July 21, 2024


Our oldest Granddaughter turned 28 last week!  How can she be that old...seems like yesterday that she was just a babe!  She makes us feel old.

We did not get to see her for her birthday, but we talked with her and I stole a photo that she posted on Facebook. 

She is a beauty inside and out!  

Happy Birthday Vannah, we love you very much! 


Saturday, July 20, 2024

Fawns in the field

There is a bean field across the road from us.  News Flash: Deer like beans and green leaves.


It is a bit smoky here from the wildfires up in our neighbors to the North.

They cut some grass around the edge of the irrigated field...this doe and fawn were not yet in the bean field.  The twin fawns in the bean field look a bit older than this little one. 

Far Side

Friday, July 19, 2024

Busy Day

 We had a busy day Thursday; Infusion for Far Guy while I picked up groceries and ran errands. 

Toward evening we headed in to the funeral home for the visitation for our neighbor lady who died suddenly last Saturday.  The line of people waiting to pay their respects spilled out the doors and into the parking lot.  We signed the guest book gave our condolences to her husband and left.  Way too many people for us to stick around and visit. 

Every person over 30 that had a lawn chair was in town getting their spot on Main Street to listen to some band and frequent the beer garden, anyone who was not there was at the fairgrounds for the fair, or standing in line at the funeral home. 

Minnesota State bird..the Loon...I took this photo a number of years ago...I always liked it because the water looks so cool and refreshing.  We are headed back into the 80 F degrees again...I don't see 90 F in the forecast but you never know. 

Far Side

Thursday, July 18, 2024


 I managed laundry and a long nap and a bit of crocheting.   Will wonders ever cease?  I had a really rough day with lots of it goes.  ( I have no pain when laying still with my heated rice bag)  

Had to wait on another call from the specialty pharmacy that ships the Rheumatoid Arthritis injections.   "Please wait on the line as a nurse wants to speak with you"  three minutes later I finally get to talk to a real person who said "What can I help you with? "  WTF  you called me.  "Oh ya your medication shipped today. "  OK fine. 

The latest miracle drug should be here on Friday.  OK fine. 

Far Side

Wednesday, July 17, 2024


 I went out mowing,  mowing is one thing I can do that doesn't bother my bum knee.  The lawn looks great again.  I have some Canada Thistle that I need to spray one of these days.   It was a nice day to be out and about....a bit of a breeze and not too warm. Visited with my other baby brother and she who sees robins first.

Then Far Guy suggested that we go out to supper and invite his high school friend and her husband we did.  It was a nice evening out. 

The Rudbeckia is blooming nicely in the wild gardens. 

Far Side

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Going with the flow

 Not much we can do about anything. We can take care of each other and embrace each day as they come along. 

We can be kind...I could be I let Far Guy cook.  I didn't even swear when the phone rang and it was a recording that said wait on the line we want to talk to you.  #iwaskindanddidntcallthemdumbasses

The bear is still visiting...I wonder if he/she knows I am a bit gimpy right now...just call me Chester.  It is only a matter of time before that bear comes out in the daylight.   He/she must have a den nearby.


Far Side

Monday, July 15, 2024

and so it goes

 One summer day after another.  We learned of two deaths over the weekend.  One was a Lung Transplant survivor for a number of years...her donor gave her many health issues...she spent much of last year in the hospital. She finally lost her battle or won...which ever way to look at the situation. She was such a wonderful support person to anyone on the Lung Transplant she was to us when Far Guy was part of that process. 

The other death a neighbor lady.   So sad. 

Yet the Summer heat rolls on for a couple more days.  The skeeters bite and the bear visits the yard every night looking for bird seed. (Far Guy brings it in every night. )

My knee is better but not perfect.  


Far Side

Sunday, July 14, 2024


 It was an easy day yesterday, I managed to do some laundry and put my knee up.  I watched a golfing movie  The Long Game that wasn't very good.  I can crochet while my knee is I got out an old crochet project. 

Supper was an easy meal from the freezer.  Far Guy said it was too warm to cook.  The high was 85 F but the humidity was up there.

Far Side

Saturday, July 13, 2024


 Yesterday we ran a couple of errands...all repair stuff.  The stopper in the bathroom sink broke.  Water was stuck in the sink, I wedged a knife in there and got the broken stopper pulled out.  We have a new stopper and Far Guy will play plumber one of these days. 

I tweaked my knee in my sleep or when I got up in the I hobbled into Walgreens and bought a knee brace.   It helps.  Last Spring I threw away all the ace bandages I had for larger joints...wouldn't you know it I musta jinxed myself.  So an ace bandage was purchased also.  With support and rest (RICE) I hope to see some improvement if not I will head to the Dr next week.   It is much different pain than the arthritis pain I have....on an interesting note..the two pains fight for attention. If worse comes to worse I have an old pair of crutches:)

After repairs were purchased we went to lupper at our favorite Mexican place.  Lunch/supper works for us.  Best part dishes to wash and we were home in time to have a long nap and put my knee up.

Flowers in Dorset, MN.

Far Side

Friday, July 12, 2024

Book Club : July

 Book Club happened yesterday.  We read All The Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr.

I give it a 8.5 out of 10.   It was a good read...a different kind of read for me.  I guess that is what Book Club is about, it gets you to read some books that you may not read on your own. 

Netflix is featuring the book as a series...four parts I think.  I fell asleep during it on two attempts because I knew what would happen far as I could see it was following the book closely.   I am not sure I will visit the movie again...

Far Side

Thursday, July 11, 2024


 I am irritated by people who do not do their jobs. 

I was delighted the other day when I heard that the pharmacy I called was doing a customer satisfaction survey ...after being switched from one idiot customer service person to an almost non english speaking person...15 minutes had elapsed.  I betcha you can guess what kind of a rating I gave them. 

Seems like it is harder and harder to get a real person on the other end of a phone call...who said a computer was better.  I suppose they save a couple of dollars.

Recently I got a recorded call that said please call this number, we need to speak with you about a prescription...well why weren't you there when I answered my phone...I cannot send them a recorded message...but I would like to. Can you imagine what I would say? 

Another thing...that recorded music I have to listen to while I am on have had it up to here with piano music and violin concerto # who knows what.  Who are the idiots that pick the music anyways?  After waiting 45 minutes the other day listening to the same tune over and over I was ready to commit myself.

Many people are irritated by self check outs...not less germy person handling my groceries is just fine with me...I make sure the prices are as advertised and my items are packed in bags exactly how I want them. 

Covid numbers are up in our area.  I still disinfect my grocery cart...I wish sick people would just stay at home.  Luckily most of my groceries are ordered online and picked up...I just shop for fresh fruits and vegetables in person. 

AND my last irritant.  Some one is posing as my dead mother on facebook and sending friend requests. 

Far Side

Wednesday, July 10, 2024


 It has turned warm here in Minnesota.  Yesterday it was 80 F  or 27 C  eh!  The forecast for the next ten days is for temperatures in the 80's.  They say it won't hit 90 F but we will see. 

The skeeters big as birds have arrived...I was hoping that all the rain flooded them out.  They are out in the daytime and are crazy hungry. 

Yesterday we went to the transfer station with garbage and recycles.  That was our outing for the day. 

Far Guy saw the Fox up close and personal when they tried to share the covered entry to the house during a downpour.   We both saw the mama doe and her twin fawns running out of the bean field yesterday.

  Far Side

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Weekend Book

 I read this book over the weekend.  It was great, I give it a 9 out of 10. 

Our daughter Jen recommended it to me last Spring.  She was right I enjoyed it very much. 

This was not a book club read, it was an extra read. 

Far Side

Monday, July 8, 2024


 My baby brother and his bride have a beautiful planting of wildflowers. 

Very pretty wildflowers with many more buds coming on! 

I went over last night to take treats to Baxter and Smudge!  They like cheerios as treats.  Low calorie for Baxter! 

We had a quiet Sunday, I mowed the rest of the lawn in the morning and finished just before it rained.  Our rain gauge said 2 1/2 inches.  Not much to do when it and have a nap.

Far Side

Sunday, July 7, 2024

A Wild Life

 Nothing much new here.  Far Guy worked on woodcarving Christmas ornaments yesterday.  I mowed lawn for a couple of hours....not quite done yet but I got side tracked killing ants.  Tomorrow is another day.   It got warm enough yesterday that we finally put the air conditioning on. 

The paint for the Christmas ornaments has been gathered. All very metallic looking paints.  I can still paint ornaments...but the woodcarving is very painful for my fingers and wrists. 

Far Guy was outside sitting on the patio when two fawns wandered into the yard, they walked closer and closer to him, when he spoke to them their Mama came running out of the woods.  His phone was inside but he said the photo would have been awesome. 

We both got to see a Red Fox run into the yard and attempt to catch a squirrel dinner. 

Far Side 

Saturday, July 6, 2024

Car Report

 The mechanic in town that does work on Tilly says she needs a new boot, but is safe to drive until she is repaired.  They are ordering parts.  ( I am not sure what a boot is in car speak but apparently it covers something important)

Far Guy brought her back home.  

Tilly is looking good for being 65 years old. We hope to get to a couple of car shows yet this summer.

Far Side

Friday, July 5, 2024

Potato Salad and a project

 I made potato salad...what is the 4th of July without potato salad?  Naturally I made too know..using up those last couple of lonely potatoes.  

My brothers had no plans so I asked them over for supper.  Added some of Andy's pulled pork, fruit and the gals brought coleslaw and peaches for dessert.   It was a perfect 4th of July meal. 

I finished sorting through the photos that my Mom left for me and I put them in an album along with the photos that I rescued from an old album that Mom had made where the photos kept sliding out.

Now the photos are sorted and safely inside pockets.  Yeah me! 

Far Side

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Happy 4th of July!

 Here in Minnesota it seems that Summer is half over when we reach the 4th of July.  We still have about a month of tourist season.  Traffic is just nuts in town.

 I understand that HGTV has named Park Rapids, Minnesota as a charming/great place to live.  The article made me a tad angry...they mentioned that the center parking was developed by the city for more tourist parking...when in fact years ago the Main Street was wide enough to turn around teams of oxen pulling loads of logs to the lumber yards.  AND they named only one business on Main Street...get real people mention a whole bunch or mention none. 

I quote "HGTV says, "go ahead, park in the middle of Main Avenue in Park Rapids. The shops and restaurants here are so popular, the town built extra-wide streets. Pick up some buttery caramels at Aunt Belle's Confectionary, browse the craft and quilt stores, or shop for cabin decor and other items."

Well anyways.  I asked Far Guy what was his best memory of July 4th...he answered "I always worked the 4th of July...from noon until dawn."  No fun I will add my worst memory also..."making hay and bucking bales high on a hay wagon...and sweating and itching all over from the hay dust."

What will we do for fun tomorrow?  There is a parade in town and fireworks in the evening...but we will most likely stay home.  We must be party poopers. 

Happy July 4th however you wish to celebrate.

Far Side

Wednesday, July 3, 2024


 We attended a neighborhood picnic last night...great food and company!  Pot luck...with many great cooks...the cajun cooks are here so the fresh shrimp they brought with them was awesome.  Far Guy said the egg rolls and jambalaya were both to die for!  I did not cook...a couple of containers of strawberries was the best I could do. 

It sprinkled a bit ...just a few drops...but enough for a rainbow that was double at times. 

 Photo by my baby brother's bride...she had her phone...I did not.  

Yesterday one vehicle got an oil change and a car wash and the other ( Tilly) is still in the shop for a diagnosis. 

Far Side

Tuesday, July 2, 2024


 At the Wedding Shower the other day, there were guessing games, word finds and make a wedding dress out of toilet paper. 

The toilet paper competition is an old one as I recall it at wedding showers years ago.  The gal in charge of the game said the TP came from the dollar store so it was two ply.

There were a number of young gals in the competition. Paige was the Judge....her sister Savannah did not win.  Even though her group was highly organized.  The dress had flowers and a train and everything!

Savannah dressed in TP

Savannah will be the last of her sisters to get engaged and married ...unless she hurries along.  Soon she turns 28 years old...she says when it happens it happens. 

Far Side

Monday, July 1, 2024


 Lady Slippers...they are getting old...done for the season. 

This clump was behind some tall grasses. 

Doctors appointments... more scheduled....another medication added...still waiting for the newest RA injection to be approved by insurance. ..they are taking their sweet time.  Good news that my blood pressure is finally under control. 

 Far Guy saw his Doctor also...not much new there...continue on... one day at a time.  We were lucky to have the far away appointments on the same day...but had to leave home at o dark thirty so it was a long day. 

Only one planned medical appointment this week...Far Guys weekly infusion on Friday this week. 

Both automobiles have appointments in town.  The fun just never ends. 

Far Side