Wednesday, July 3, 2024


 We attended a neighborhood picnic last night...great food and company!  Pot luck...with many great cooks...the cajun cooks are here so the fresh shrimp they brought with them was awesome.  Far Guy said the egg rolls and jambalaya were both to die for!  I did not cook...a couple of containers of strawberries was the best I could do. 

It sprinkled a bit ...just a few drops...but enough for a rainbow that was double at times. 

 Photo by my baby brother's bride...she had her phone...I did not.  

Yesterday one vehicle got an oil change and a car wash and the other ( Tilly) is still in the shop for a diagnosis. 

Far Side

Tuesday, July 2, 2024


 At the Wedding Shower the other day, there were guessing games, word finds and make a wedding dress out of toilet paper. 

The toilet paper competition is an old one as I recall it at wedding showers years ago.  The gal in charge of the game said the TP came from the dollar store so it was two ply.

There were a number of young gals in the competition. Paige was the Judge....her sister Savannah did not win.  Even though her group was highly organized.  The dress had flowers and a train and everything!

Savannah dressed in TP

Savannah will be the last of her sisters to get engaged and married ...unless she hurries along.  Soon she turns 28 years old...she says when it happens it happens. 

Far Side

Monday, July 1, 2024


 Lady Slippers...they are getting old...done for the season. 

This clump was behind some tall grasses. 

Doctors appointments... more scheduled....another medication added...still waiting for the newest RA injection to be approved by insurance. ..they are taking their sweet time.  Good news that my blood pressure is finally under control. 

 Far Guy saw his Doctor also...not much new there...continue on... one day at a time.  We were lucky to have the far away appointments on the same day...but had to leave home at o dark thirty so it was a long day. 

Only one planned medical appointment this week...Far Guys weekly infusion on Friday this week. 

Both automobiles have appointments in town.  The fun just never ends. 

Far Side