Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Book Club: September

 We read The Kitchen House by Kathleen Grissom.

I liked the book as did the other ladies in the book club.  I give it a 9 plus...not a perfect 10.   It is another historical fiction read.  

What have you read lately?  Anything good that you care to recommend? 

I still order books from Thrift Books...I still like to hold a book in my hand even though I have many books on my Kindle.   I usually pass the books along after I have read them or donate them.

Far Side


  1. I love mysteries and fantasy adventures. My Granddaughter shares some of her books with me. But mostly, I hit the library for my books.
    This past week I read 4 books. Lots of quiet resting time for me.

  2. just finished 'lucky you' a book by carl hiaasen...his books have a cast of ne'er do well characters where everything goes wrong, plans are useless and it is wonderfully entertaining mayhem! highly irreverent, grossly politically incorrect but totally enjoying read

  3. I want a real book too. My sisters read on kindle. I really don’t like it! I’ve read that book but I admit I don’t recall the plot! I seem to forget a lot. Hope you have more books lined up!

  4. I will add this book to my list in hopes of getting to read it soon. For the past few weeks, I have found myself too busy to read, or when I do get the chance to pick up a book, my mind is wandering off into the wild blue. Enjoy a Terrific Tuesday...

  5. My eye problem prevent me from reading for long periods of time...I really want the surgery to fix the problem.

  6. I do still enjoy holding a real book in my hand and turning those pages. However, lately I've read almost everything on my Kindle. I just finished reading The Women (Kristen Hannah).

  7. That looks like a great novel, but I still have a pile I am going through. Slowly, lol. I have been getting my books at Thrift Books and Ebay. When I am finished (and not keeping which is 90%) we have several "little libraries" around town where I can stash them for someone else to enjoy.

  8. FSOF: Thanks for sharing what you read. It's a fun way to learn about books I may not have read or heard about. I read The Forgotten Child by Richard Gallear. It is a true story.
    Goodnight Gram

  9. Me too. There is a place for real books in my life and Books on my kindle

  10. I'm almost finished with Edward Sawtelle by David Wroblewski. I didn't find the beginning engaging but it got better and has held my interest. I will put this book on my list.

  11. The old eyes don't take to reading books like they used to. This sounds like a good one, though. :)

  12. I haven't read that book but it's on my TBR list as I heard it was good. I think she wrote another was that was a sequel but I can't be sure. Thanks for the recommendation. I just finished reading the 3rd book by Susan Branch that are basically her memoirs. They were excellent! She is a fascinating person and so talented. I loved these 3 books because they had photos and drawings and she's a great story teller.

  13. I love to read Historical Christian Romance but haven't had much time this summer! Fall brings outside work and then the holidays. Guess maybe this winter!

  14. I read all books on Kindle now, so that I can enlarge the text and not hold a heavy book. I recently finished "Remarkably Bright Creatures" and am now teading "Hellow Beautiful". I recommend both.

  15. I enjoyed that book too. In my decluttering I recently passed that one on since I didn't intend to reread it.

  16. I haven't read an entire book in a few months. So many other things take my attention. Dennis has given me Max Lucado's book to read that came out within the past few weeks. He's already read it twice, he said it was so good. It's called "What Happens Next" and it's about the prophecies before the rapture being fulfilled rapidly in front of our eyes with all that's happening in the middle east. I need to read it soon.
    Blessings and hugs,

  17. Recently finished Hang the Moon by Jeannette Walls (prohibition era) and currently reading Go as a River by Shelley Read (inspired by true events in the 60's). Not new, but both recommended.

  18. Forgot to mention, I purchase (mostly Amazon) and only read hard copies. So far I've kept the books I really like so I can share them. The rest get donated. Works for me, as I savor my reading time little by little. They don't pile up too fast. Might be a different story when I run out of space lol.

    With that said, a used book store opened up across the street from where I grew up. Would like to support them and swap some books out. I tried an online used bookstore and they not only sent the wrong book, they didn't even have the one I payed for. Got my money back, but never again.

    Thanks for sharing your book club reads!!


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