Saturday, September 7, 2024

End of a busy week

 Yesterday we both had appointments for our annual dermatology exam.  Far Guy did great and I had two small surgeries.  Suspicious spots; one on my cheek and one on my shoulder. The numbing up is the worst part.  Both spots will be biopsied.   

Check something else off our list! 

Last week we had five medical appointments...this next week only two...practically a week off.  

No big plans for the weekend, catching up on mowing and perhaps making some chili. 

Far Side


  1. Hopefully, the biopsies will be benign. We spend more time in the doctor's office than at home sometimes!
    Have a sweet weekend!

  2. Mowing is on our list too. That and getting our winter hay supply. Easy lifting, the skid steer does that work. I have to haul the meals out though.

  3. You reminded me I need to make an appointment with my dermatology doctor. Somehow it fell off my list of things to schedule. Glad you have such an "open" week!

  4. Good to have those behind you, at least. Chili sounds perfect! :)

  5. Those pretty fall flowers give your yard a pop of rich color. It would feel like a week off with only 2 appointments. Hope all turns out fine.

  6. Hopefully they will be benign. Mark is fair complected and sees the dermatologist a few times a year. Enjoy your mowing.

  7. I'm waiting until January when I have Medicare to see the dermatologist. I have a couple of suspicious spots again. My sister just had another quarter size, 1/2 inch deep thing taken off her ankle yesterday. Again. She literally just sent me a photo about 5 minutes ago. It looks awful. This is the second big chunk they've done in that same spot. I sure hope they got it all this time. She said she's staying off her feet with a good book and icing it every hour.
    Getting old is a pain isn't it? We spend more time time at doctors than doing fun stuff!
    Blessings and hugs,

  8. Fingers crossed the spots are benign. Phew, all those doctors appointments (and the waiting I expect that would entail) sounds exhausting to me.
    Enjoy your weekend.

  9. Hope you have a nice, relaxing weekend! Love the wildflowers

  10. Sending good thoughts your way for the biopsies!
    Goodnight Gram

  11. Some of the medical conditions are worrisome. I hope you get good medical attention.

  12. Glad you got the spots removed and sent off. I agree with you...the deadening is the worst part. Chili sounds great...especially since we have some cooler weather this weekend.

  13. Hopefully the biopsies will show no cancer.

  14. I was just filling out questionnaires for two phone appointments I have next week. No driving required
    Good wishes for your follow ups.

  15. Glad you're getting through all your appointments. MMM chili sounds good....of course it's going to get warm this next week.

  16. Our dematoglist retired and now we have to look for another one. Seems there are only Clincs out there. :(

  17. I live dangerously and don't go to a dermatologist....yet. I hope it all comes out fine.


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