Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Sunset, a wash and a visit

 Sunset was fairly orange on Monday night, lots of particulate in the air.  

I took this photo on the way over to my baby brothers to visit  Baxter and Smudge...I had not seen them in about a week.  They love me...cause I have Cheerios for treats! Smudge grew a bit and she knows sit and down now...I think she is a smart little dog.  

On Tuesday morning Far Guy took all the extra hoses out and we washed the house.  In accordance with our 10 year warranty on the exterior finish on the must be washed once a year in late Summer.  This blog serves as a record of the washings. 

Check it off the list.

It was a very warm day...but between both of us we got it we cleaned up the air conditioner part that sits outside.   Check something else off our list.  I was tired...Far Guy lured me into taking a ride into town for a visit and lupper at A & W.

We had a very enjoyable visit with Far Guy's cousins Bonnie, Wayne and Scott! 

Fra Side


  1. You certainly stayed busy even for a hot day.

  2. Beautiful orange sunset. Smudge and Baxter are much like my daughter's dog (Lucy) she loves for me to come out and bring her small snacks. You two took on a big challenge, but I know it must feel great having it behind you. Now you are all set for another year. Love the beautiful logs on your home.

  3. How nice! I wash our siding too in the fall but would love to have someone do the porch ceiling for me. I'd get totally soaked. I like to have washes done after the Asian Beetles visit and die off. Sometimes I have to wait until spring though.
    Beautiful sunset. I was asleep before that happened!

  4. I'm sending you some more hot weather 30 C! It's just too hot for Sept.

  5. Every home deserves a wash! I love pretty sunsets! It’s a good ending to a day!

  6. Good to have that task done for the year. Looks magnificent!
    Dogs are very good company. ;)

  7. Except for the heavy work of cleaning the house, it sounds like a good day.

  8. Lots of wildfire smoke in the air, but it does make beautiful sunsets.

  9. Big job! We just sent the last load of the third cutting of 1000 bales down our long lane to it's new home. DONE!!! We are exhausted. Summer's work is sometimes very hard.

  10. I really need to institute lupper around here. We eat a big lunch and get hungry at bedtime. A late lunch, early supper would be the ticket!

  11. You had a productive day and a couple of nice visits with canines and humans.

  12. Gosh, I ought to look at my lists!

  13. It seems there is always something to be done around the house - but I guess that is better than having nothing to do. Your sunset photo is beautiful.

  14. We're being so lazy out here. i'm speding the afternoon do exactly what I'm already doing. Spending the afternoon on blogs and reading.

  15. You had a very productive Labour Day. Now that job is done for another year.

  16. I think the only time we have washed our house is before it was painted the last time. Hmmmm.
    We aew staying somewhat busy with small jobs, nothing big right now.

  17. Love your sunset picture....and glad you got some things crossed off your list. Take good care.

  18. I saw you coming home! Looking pretty snazzy in Tilly!

  19. Isn't it amazing how hard you still have to work when you're retired???

  20. The above comment was from me


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