Saturday, September 14, 2024

A Wildlife

Yes we live a wildlife. 

Picking tomatoes every day and sharing them with others. 

  Painting the Christmas ornaments, Far Guys says there are 109 ornaments.  

We got our Covid Boosters Friday afternoon  So far so good...but as I write this it has just been five hours. So who knows. 

We went for a Ranger Blue ride the other night.  My hip is not as sore as it was so we got to have a longer ride.   I still have some pain, but I am doing the exercises and the whirlpool and heated rice bags.   I hope PT can fit me in their schedule next week...I am on the call list. 

More Doctor appointments have been scheduled...seems like it never ends. 

Far Guy got a call from his Doctors office warning him of an increase in covid hospital admissions, the covid wards in Fargo, ND are open again.  They told him to isolate and stay out of crowds.  We are practically hermits already. 

A fawn with fading spots.  The fawns are slowly turning a darker color.  Their Mama is really dark.

A Grouse on the back road...she is living right behind our except for the Fox that is a frequent visitor.  Sure hope there is more than one Grouse...we have not seen one in this area for a long time. 

Such is our wildlife:)

Far Side


  1. Covid is no joke. I'm sorry to hear that they are opening Covid wards again, just in time for fall.
    Speaking of being a Hermit. I was off the farm once in 2 weeks. I got the tire fixed, got groceries and a pile of books at the library. That was it.
    The nurse that I talked to said she thought I had Covid in a mild form. I can say that it really messed with my energy and ability to eat. Jello and chicken noodle soup have been good friends. LOL.

  2. There has been an uptick around here of all kinds of respiratory illness, including Covid. We haven't done our flu shots or Covid boosters yet. I usually aim for early October, but may not wait that long this year.

  3. You live in a lovely area of the country, with the wildlife around you.

  4. You live in a lovely area of the country, and the wildlife is fun to see.
    There is something to be said for living a quiet life, especially with Far Guy's vulnerabilities. Take care and stay safe!

  5. Love seeing your wildlife.
    I hope you don't get a reaction from the shot. Not good to hear covid is all around again.
    Glad your hip isn't quite as sore. Hope you have a good weekend! :)

  6. Hope you both can avoid the dreaded covid! Not fun!

  7. I don't think I've ever seen a grouse. It's good to read you are doing somewhat better. I hope you can get into PT.

  8. Oh, I love the grouse. I don’t have those. Did I read pioneers ate them? I enjoy the deer now, but when we had 3 gardens they were pests. I don’t like that they are hosts for ticks either. I really hate ticks. Take the good with the bad. I prefer wildlife to city dwelling. Neighbors in the city aren’t as much fun as where you live. Well, except that bear! Galla Creek

  9. I love the seeing the wildlife. I'm glad you have cool ones and you get to share them with us!

  10. Who knew our lives would be so wild after retirement? It is not what we envisioned for sure - - - and definitely did not plan on being at doctors' offices so much. I am very thankful and as you said - - cautiously optimistic that the PT instructions - - and hopefully soon appointment - - will restore much of your mobility and lessen your pain.

  11. I love your wildlife! (especially the bears!)

  12. I'm glad your hip is feeling better. Just take care, stay well and enjoy life, that's my motto.

  13. Good post. Glad you are hurting less. As you are isolating at least you can watch your wildlife outside and paint and putter inside.

  14. Glad your hip is a bit better. I plan to get my shots (flu and COVID) within the next two weeks.

  15. Covid has been rampant here all winter, but not advertised very much. It seems after all the hype in the Press during the 'pandemic,' that now things are worse they just don't talk about it anymore. Strange world we live in.
    Lovely to have wild life living in your area (even if I would find some of it scary, but mostly because I am not used to it). I love watching the birds we have around here.

  16. You do have a wildly raucous life. Not! But a good one nevertheless. Love your wildlife, and so glad to hear you are doing better. I just got my covid booster this morning and I guess I'll have a sore arm for awhile, it's already moving that way. But so much better than getting covid! Next month I'll get a flu shot, I'm not willing to get them all at once like some people do.

  17. I enjoy seeing your wildlife as I'm sure you do too. If you have to avoid people at least you can enjoy the animals.

  18. Lots of wildlife and oh so pretty. We do not have grouse down here in Texas. Or at least none that I know of. There have been a big number of covid cases around here as well. Great news that your hip is better...Hope it continues to get better and better.

  19. You have beautiful wildlife around you. So nice that you got to go on a longer ride. Hope you guys stay well!

  20. We can tell by our scanner. EMS calls for covid patients has started up again.


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