Friday, September 6, 2024

Cautiously optimistic

Wednesday as I made my follow up appointments at the Clinic an opening was available for a Physical Therapy consult just prior to Far Guy's weekly Thursday Infusion appointment.   So I took the appointment. 

Good News!!  The Therapist is 99% sure that he can totally relieve my pain.  After seeing my x rays he believes that it is my sacroiliac joint on the left side that is the problem...possibly stemming from an injury on June 29 1980 when I broke four bones in my leg and totally dislocated my ankle.  I was unable to have corrective surgery due to a blood infection.  I spent a very long time ( 6 months) in various casts and had to learn how to walk all over again. ( The Doctors all said I would only walk about 10 years back then...see they don't know everything!)

The Therapist explained that my sacroiliac joint is angry and the large muscles have it locked in a painful doubt inflamed with the RA that I have.  He massaged my back and leg...used some cups to increase the blood flow and found all the pressure points that are causing me pain.  He is convinced it is all muscle not nerve.  So I will see him again when they have a cancellation or in October which ever comes first.  In the meantime I have a few new exercises to do, and he said the hot rice bag should be continued along with my nightly whirlpool soaks. 

So at least we have a plan.  I may not need the fancy expensive RA meds at all.  That is really good news!! 

It is very different walking with no pain...strange in fact.  I might get used to it!

So I am cautiously day at a time. 

Far Side


  1. yes good news indeed...PT are the unsung heroes of medical care i do believe

    1. I totally agree with what you said about PT. They are close to miracle workers in some instances.

  2. Yes being pain free takes some getting used to, but it's worth it. Gratz!

  3. I am SO relieved!
    I know that if I don't do my Mobility exercises -- like I haven't done in the past week -- my body becomes very angry with me. I walk like a stiff 90 year old and creak like an old wooden row boat.

    I am cheering for you here ! This would be so helpful!
    Wow, when you break something, you don't mess around! That is an amazing comeback from your injuries!

  4. Praise God! What a WONDERFUL encouragement from that PT. It makes sense. We will need to pray harder that you will continue to feel well and are able to enjoy life more especially with the holidays around the corner.

  5. Amazing! How encouraging for you! I'm a big believer in the benefits of PT and hope it makes a huge difference for you.

  6. Physiotherapy can do wonders but you have to do exactly what they say. I hope things work for you.

  7. Yaaay!! A good knowledgeable PT is worth their weight in gold. I am a huge believer in PT! They have helped fix me more than once.

  8. Well that is good news! If he is able to relieve the pain somewhat in that first appointment, one would assume more therapy will bring more relief.
    Holy smokes, you really did a number on yourself. Good on you for pushing past the doctor's estimates.

  9. Good Morning...This is great news and I am excited for you to get the relief you need. I can hear the encouragement you have through your words. Praying with you for great results.

  10. WOW! WOW! WOW!!!! This is excellent news!!! YAY!

  11. Glad to hear you may have found a solution.

  12. This is such good news. I'm so hoping he's right and it's all muscular. And to get off those meds, that's such a happy possibility, too. (My mother had RA). Good luck.

  13. I know about sacroiliitis. It can we very painful. I have managed to deminish mine but it still grabs me occasionally. Mine has multiple causes too.

  14. Would you believe it, but my heart leapt for joy when I read your post. To think such a simple thing could ease your pain. It is absolutely wonderful - long may it work for you. Mxx

  15. This is such great news! I am so glad you found this guy! He really sounds like he took the time to figure out exactly what was wrong and isn't jumping to the serious treatments first. I know you will sleep better tonight. And I hope your next appointment is sooner than later!!

  16. Cross my fingers, legs, and toes that your pain is lessened or gone!

  17. That is so exciting! I pray it works wonders for you! :)

  18. Wow....sounds like you saw a GREAT Doc. Good for you and good for him. Hope it all continues to go well.

  19. I'm SO, SO, SO excited for you Connie. Finally you have someone who listens, learns and investigates. There is great hope with all of that, especially if you're already walking with no pain. I'm so happy. If my back wasn't spasming, I'd do a happy dance for you. lol
    Blessings and love,

  20. That is such great news! Hope you stay pain free.

  21. This is great news! Fingers crossed it is the answer. I am convinced once you know it isn't a bone issue they can figure relief out through other ways. Hoping you continue to see some changes.

  22. That is great news! So wonderful that you are finding a way out of all your pain. This is a good example of not trusting pill pushing doctors and getting a second- or even 3rd etc. opinion.

  23. Oh, I hope that is an answer to your prayers when it comes to all the pain you have experienced. That would be awesome!

  24. LD my wife had a bad sciatic nerve problem for couple of years in her hip. The therapist at the rehab center where she learned to walk again and got rid of that nerve pain.


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