Monday, September 9, 2024

OH the places i mow

 Oh the places I mow.  Isn't there a Dr Seuss book called Oh the places you'll go

I have a phone, riding mower, bright red boots and many places to mow. 

Where will I mow next? Eeny meeny miny moe...which way should I go?


My mower is a bit dusty and sometimes so am I.

Mowing under the bright blue sky.

I can stop here for a chat.

What's better than that?

I can fill with gas here so my mower will go.

Oh the places I mow.

I am not far from home, if Far Guy is out woodcarving he can tell exactly where I am at. 

 I have not seen the bear...just lots of Fox scat. 

Far not a poet...just a lawn mowing goddess


  1. LOL! Cute rhyme. It fits the situation perfect.

  2. Sounds like a nice time...just you and the

  3. I have reduced the amount that I mow by probably half over the years, letting the unmowed half return to nature. Evidently I am not a mowing God.

  4. Your poetry made me smile this morning. You do have quite a bit to mow. As odd as it might sound, I find mowing (on the riding mower) to be very relaxing. Mr. Bear must be out searching for berries or a place to hibernate. Have a fun day.

  5. Very clever! Started my day with a giggle. May as well find the humor in those tasks.

  6. As soon as I read your title, I immediately thought of the Dr. Seuss book. Your poetry is just fine and the lawns look lovely.

  7. This is SO CUTE and what a great smile to start off our week! Thankful it was a good day outside and hopefully not too hot. Mowing season will soon be leaf season and then done. Summer has gone quickly it seems this year.

  8. I think a secret poet just appeared. LOL

  9. You had fun with this one. More people should try writing poetry.

  10. I Love it! I laughed out loud and read out loud and applauded you out loud

  11. That was cute! How long does it take to mow all that grass? Ted does ours in 2 and a half hours. Way too much lawn, but it looks great when it's all mowed.

    1. Shirley, I mow at four places and some areas in between. If I do it all in one day about five hours.

  12. A Monday Morning giggle. You are a poet goddess too!
    Blessings and hugs,

  13. Well, I didn’t know you were so poetic. I just mow in circles. You mow in maze fashion— a network of paths designed like a puzzle!

  14. You are a poet and you noet! I miss mowing the lawn especially when the weather is so nice as it is here now. It was always such a feeling of accomplishment and it smelled great!

  15. Oh, thanks for the chuckle. That was fun!

  16. I like the flow of this post, me I have never mowed anything and doubt I ever will and I am not poetic in any way shape or form

  17. LD. If you lived near me I would let you wander with your mower. My wife always checks on me with the walking mower, going window to window. If I fall down I just get up real fast so she can’t see me!

  18. I love mowing…it’s relaxing and I can get away from anyone who what’s to talk😂

  19. You do a great job, it always looks nice over there!

  20. I love the post! And the rhyme and the story. I am glad you have a good attitude about all your mowing.

  21. Loved that!
    You are a lawn mowing goddess!


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