Thursday, September 26, 2024


 So sore from the surgery...or maybe it is the stitches that burn...who knows.  

Yesterday Far Guy went with  me to have lunch with long time friend Susie so we could celebrate our birthdays!  We don't get together often enough.  Susie always makes me laugh!  

I came home and had a five hour sleep.  

Here is an energizer bunny for you...our Great Granddaughter Cee Cee getting ready for jimbasticks. 

Isn't she just as cute as she can be!  I shamelessly stole this photo from her Mom's facebook page. Wish I had her energy!  

Far Side


  1. So sorry you are so sore... sending you prayers for healing... and relief from all that brings

    Granddaughters are so fabulous aren't they! I must admit I get the best photos of mine from my daughters Facebook page..

    And...Happy Birthday!! Hope you had a wonderful time x

  2. My word. She has grown up so fast.

  3. Cee Cee is a little cutie.. I'm guessing she loves her "Jimbasticks" . The itching part is so hard to deal with expecially when you can't rub the areas. My niece, Tammy, told her doctor on Tuesday that the only issue she has with her eyes is that they itch so bad. Part of the healing he told her. Glad you were able to celebrate your Birthday having a lunch with your friend and FG. It is always great to get together with friends.

  4. What an adorable little one! One's cuter than the next at that age. I hope your face heals quickly (and that they gave you some good pain meds). They don't fool around when it's melanoma. Lots of positive vibes coming your way.

  5. Gymnastics is a super program for kids.

  6. Happy Birthday and I'm sorry you're hurting! Prayers to you sweet lady!

  7. She is absolutely as cute as she can be! I'm so pleased you were able to spend time with a good friend and laugh. You needed that.

  8. Naps speed healing. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

  9. Sure hope the pain is receding, it doesn't sound pleasant. Nice that you were able to share your birthday lunch with your friend. Laughter is good medicine.
    Gymnastics is so much fun for kids, lots of movement and good for their flexibility. Though I do think our kids (and grands) sap our energy, leaving us with less.

  10. Why do healing wounds always seem to itch--lol! I hope that passes soon.
    Glad you got out with FarGuy to laugh with your friend. Sounds like you needed the long nap.
    CeeCee is so cute! Gosh they grow fast!
    I hope you feel better and better! :)

  11. That couldn't possibly be Cee Cee! Has it been that long since I visited? She is cute as can be, but I thought she was still a baby! :) Time flies. Happy Birthday, Virgo. I just had a birthday too. :) Hope your surgery pain goes away soon.

  12. Prayers for a speedy recovery and for a great report on the test! Cee Cee is so cute, Oh how i would love to have great energy again.
    Happy belated birthday wishes to you and Susie!
    Thank you for stopping by my blog and for your sweet comment, I just can't seem to get back to blogging on a regular basis, but not giving up.


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