Monday, September 2, 2024


 Time to upgrade!  

I had a very old iron, it would steam stuff but often with obnoxious water spots...rusty looking...I usually used a pressing cloth (an old white dish towel)  not sure how old it was but I used it to starch and press Far Guys military BDU's many years ago.  At that time a new iron was much cheaper than sending his uniforms out to a laundry.  The cord had been replaced once...

I traded Jen an old white desk top rotary phone for the iron at the garage sale!  Win win.

Far Guy and I had a quiet Sunday, we listened to church and in the afternoon we went for a Sunday drive to our favorite Mexican place for lunch/supper.   One more day of no cooking sure works for me. 

Our area is experiencing wildfire is even smells inside the house. We have two air purifiers going.

Goodbye August and hello September!  The construction on our road to town was supposed to be still needs lines/lanes was Sunday and no one was we took it anyway and ignored the detour. 

Far Side


  1. An iron for a phone? Bartering is great. I cannot think of the last time I used an iron. I know it is over 10 years as that is when I retired.

  2. LOL...I am happy to hear that I am not by myself in owning an iron. I still iron a lot of our things. I rarely send anything to the cleaners. You did good with this exchange. Hoping that the fires are soon controlled and no more smoke for you guys.

  3. I recycled my steam iron a few years back. I don't iron any more. Glad September is here!

  4. I like reading about your iron. Someone had posted on FB yesterday that they needed collars pressed on some blouses because they don't iron and whenever they have tried, they can't do it well. Where can she get it done economically. I was astounded at all the comments from others way younger than us who do NOT iron and asked (jokingly) what one was. The solution suggested for her was to buy a steamer if her dryer wasn't doing the job well. I still like to iron our polos and "dressier" knit T-shirts.
    We have road work - - - expanding the state highway outside our subdivision from 2 lane to five because there is a center turn lane through most of it. It is scheduled to be completed by next summer. There was need for it because of the increased traffic and bottlenecking during rush hour - - - but people are going to be "flying" past the speed limit now. Progress!?

  5. I do so little ironing these days - especially since I rarely sew anymore. I'd say you got a good deal on the new-to-you iron.
    Here's hoping the smoke dissipates quickly. I'm sure it isn't easy on Far Guy, and you too.

  6. I did some ironing last week. I don't iron much, but Mark has need for a dress shirt now and again, I have a few items of clothing that come out of the wash wrinkled and I iron the nicer napkins!

  7. My iron is used a lot when I’m making quilts: I like flat seams and quilt blocks. I think I’ve owned four irons in my lifetime. One of my earliest “jobs” was ironing my brother’s shirts, pillowcases, and table scarves.

  8. I had an iron that I loved that I bought in 1978 when we married. About 5 years ago I dropped it and it never worked again. I'm just glad that it missed my foot. It was HEAVY! I bought a replacement but I've never liked it as much. It's so light and feels unsubstantial. I guess in my mind I think an iron should be heavy! lol
    Great minds think alike. We had Mexican food after church yesterday too. So good!
    Stay inside and don't let Far Guy breathe that nasty air.
    Blessings and love,

  9. I rarely iron, but collars are usually what gets the iron out.

  10. My iron did like wise. New one cost a bundle.

    We don’t have to have the same political views to enjoy and care for one another. That’s what some try to do is separate us. I’m with you til the end.

  11. I recently bought a new iron, one that isn't as heavy as I rarely iron stuff other then Tim's work shirts some hankies and have a few tea towels that I iron

  12. I still iron, but mostly for sewing projects and crafts--lol!

  13. Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry to hear about your wildfire smoke and even in your house. That has to be awful. Praying that it subsides soon.

  14. Oh! Gosh! Smoke in the house has to be very hard on FarGuy!!! :(

  15. We’ve had smoke all summer, it’s terrible.

  16. That is a good upgrade! It has been nice driving straight to town on the weekends!

  17. I am still using my Mother's old iron.....I'm sure it is an antique! Tell Jen, I have several beige rotary dial phones in my basement if she wants them.


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