Thursday, September 5, 2024

Ok not fine

 The Orthopedic consult happened yesterday...he thinks my hips, knees and ankles are just fine.  "It must be a problem with your back...sciatica maybe...I don't do backs...I will send you for more X rays and for a Physical Therapy consult.  You should really take 2,000 units of Vitamin D a day it might make a difference.  You can see the PA in our Department maybe he can steer you the right way."  

And how long have I been complaining of this pain...about 2 1/2 years...maybe longer...I have been to PT previously and I do the exercises they recommended at that time. 

On other high notes...I am still in limbo with the Rheumatology second opinion at a different clinic (we will call you in 3-4 weeks to set up an appointment)and the latest arthritis med that my Rheumatologist ordered must be lost in the insurance pipeline someplace.  OK not so fine.

What ever.  I was so NOT impressed with the Dr I saw yesterday....even if I required surgery...I would limp off into the sunset. 

I take part of a THC Sativa is supposed to make me more energenic and have less just makes me sleepy.  The THC Indica Gummy seems to help more with my pain and of course makes me sleepy too. I have not tried the ones with THC, CBD and CBN  ...yet...of course if I can get comfortable and get to sleep I have no pain. 

We had one day of no wildfire smoke and now we have it again.  Far Guy is staying mostly inside.  

Flowers in the wild gardens.

Far Side


  1. Hope the pain get better! Have you seen a chiropractor?

  2. i hear ya! it is a roller coaster for, not a candidate for knee surgery so what does ortho say? get a which class in medical school did he learn that???

  3. Well crap. It sounds like he wasn't addressing what the other doctor found? Or he things your bone spurs are no big deal?
    My only comment I can think of is the RA is painful all over the body and it would be nice IF someone can help you in some way.
    It sounds almost like you are a ping pong ball bouncing from one place to another without any answers.

  4. Oh my....not exactly what you want to hear from a doctor. I would have considered this as a big brush off. My Sister-in-law had been in pain for over a year with her hips and legs. Went through all kinds of PT and no relief at all. She finally saw a doctor who ordered an MRI. All of her pain was coming from her back. She has an extensive back surgery procedure and it has relieved ALL of her pain. No problems for her at all. I hope you can get some relief.

  5. I sure hope you find something that relieves your pain. It's hard for me to go to sleep when I'm hurting too.

  6. Your smoke moved over this way, visibility was less than two miles yesterday over by Minot.

  7. So frustrating trying to find the root of the cause. Hope you are able to find someone to help with solid answers and direction towards relief.

  8. Oh dear! Poor you. When my husband was selling our last house, where he and his first wife brought up their children and been very happy (until his wife left home to find herself), he was in agony with the most awful sciatica. He could hardly walk and used to creep about like a little old man. Then he went to a chiropractor who did help, with gentle manipulation, and recommending the alternate application of cold packs from the freezer and hot water bottles. But eventually we came to the conclusion that the pain was caused by stress. As soon as the house was sold he felt so much better. And what’s more, the sciatica has never returned. This may not be very helpful to you today, but I do think pain can be caused by something unexpected.
    Do try the hot and cold treatment. It really does help with pain relief. But let’s hope your doctors can help you get a proper diagnosis and treatment that works without making you feel ill. Oh, and we both take 2000 units of vitamin D every morning. We get it from the supermarket and apparently is great for all sorts of reasons. Best wishes x

  9. Thanks for nothing, is what I might have said to the doctor. Or at least muttered it under my breath on the way out the door.
    I do hope there is something that will relieve your pain. I've heard that CBD is useful, and perhaps it won't make you as sleepy. I suppose taking a gummy before bed will ensure you get some rest.
    Take care!

  10. Sounds like he wanted to turn you over to someone else. Not much need to see him again. Love the wild flowers.

  11. Trust your gut with doctors. That's my only advice. If it feels wrong, try another one. The aggravating part is how LONG it takes to get TO a different doctor. *sigh* I hope you're enjoying the cooler weather! :) Sending some wind your way to blow away the smoke. ;)

  12. We have smoke today. All these fires are so sad. I wish there was something I could do to help you---constant pain is so exhausting

  13. i think you're very smart to look for a different doctor in this situation. I did the same when I started that hip replacement process. I didn't like what that first surgeon had to say, and have no regrets about finding a different one. You are your own best advocate. Hope you find some relief soon.

  14. Oh, Connie, I do hope you are able to find some sort of relief soon. I know they don't help pain, but I'm sending you big hugz, Mxx

  15. The flowers are beautiful.
    The feedback from the Orthopedic Doc is not. It's a good thing he doesn't do backs. Yikes!

  16. I often feel that doctors like to play pass the buck because it is easier then them trying to figure out what is wrong with us

  17. The medical field makes me mad. It takes 6 months to get an appointment and then they send you somewhere else to wait for an appointment again.

  18. I am hoping you'll get things sorted.
    Ah, specialists are interesting!

  19. Beautiful Fall coloured flowers..
    It does seem like your doctor is stumped so he wants to pass you along. Hopefully one that will have some insight into your problems.

  20. I feel your pain! Sounds alot like some of the same things that I'm dealing with here too with Doctors that have no answers! Hope you can get some answers.

  21. I'm sorry. Sometimes I think no one takes us seriously. I hope you can find another doctor. I know what you mean about having to walk away from a specialist. And I don't want pain pills that put me to sleep. If I am going to sleep the rest of my life away, what is the point?

  22. The flowers are so pretty. So sorry to hear about your wildfire smoke again. and how your doctor appt. .turned out. What a pain. Praying things get better for you! (diane in northern wis)

  23. The flowers are very beautiful. I'm so sorry about your doctor visit. How very frustrating for you. Honestly, I don't think doctors are like they used to be. I remember them at least pretending like they cared. Now it's in and out. Sorry I can't help you. Go somewhere else that you have to wait months to get in. I do have an appointment about my back in January but that was my choice because then I'll have medicare and a supplement so hopefully it will be paid better than my current "Obamacare" crap. I just got the bills from my physical last month and my annual cardiologist appt. I thought it would pay SOMETHING on them. Nope. $100 co-pay for each and then I also get the pay the entire bill. I'm truly beginning to believe the entire medical/insurance professions are in league and really don't give a hoot about any of us.
    Dear Connie, I do hope you find some relief very soon.
    Blessings and love,


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