Thursday, September 19, 2024

Smudge and the treat lady

 I could interview Smudge for you today.  I am not quite certain of her voice yet but will give it a whirl. 

"Smudge how old are you now?"  

Arf Arf  ...4 months plus a week or two

"Is it true that you encountered the electric fence around the garden?"

Yippp Yippp

"Did you try and eat a Wooly Bear Caterpillar?"  Note that she has a pointing action going on.

Yes but the treat lady told me NO.

"Was it a solid black Wooly Bear, that could mean no Winter or the worst Winter ever?" 

All I know is it smelled bad so I didn't eat it.

"Smudge did you terrorize Snapping Turtle babies today?"

Yes, I gave them the what for ...for a long time...did you hear me barking at your place?

"Smudge who is your favorite treat lady?"

Well you would be #1 but all you have is the lousy Cheerios that are a low calorie treat for my fat brother. 



  1. Smart dog! Love the interview and seeing the baby snapping turtle. We only see snapping turtles when they’re quite large and ferocious. 🥹 RHill, TX

  2. Great interview with smudge...Smudge was exploring and having a good time at it. Sounds like me...always craving a treat that is NOT low calorie. The tiny turtle is so cute! Your smudge has a big personality....Adorable.

  3. Haha! I love it! Morris used to write on my blogs. As a Jack Russell he had strong opinions on everything.
    I wonder if Charlie has a voice?

  4. He's a cutie all right. And that was a great interview!

  5. That's funny! Smudge is quite the character. The last photo is simply adorable.

  6. ROLF!! Great pics and you made them come alive with your interview. :)

  7. It took a while to know who the Treat Lady is. Good one.

  8. Hahaha! So... what did the woolly bear predict?

    1. It was solid my guess is a horrible winter long and with lots of snow:(

  9. Smudge is so cute! She must be smart too.

  10. What beautiful coloring! Is she a mix?

  11. Aww, Smudge is adorable as is the tiny turtle!


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