Sunday, September 8, 2024

Wedding Shower

 Friday evening was my other baby brothers oldest granddaughter's wedding shower.  She will be getting married in October.  

Hailey is my great niece. 

Jen and Andy helped with the construction and design for the recipe box.  I copied some of my favorite chicken recipes for Hailey and included a dish towel and a scrubby.  Hailey has raised chickens throughout her high school and college years!

It was a nice evening out, the food was perfect and the bride to be got many nice gifts! 

Hailey had a pretty hat hanging up in the room....little girls were admiring it! 

Vivian another of my great nieces tried it on! 

Far Side


  1. Hailey is a beauty and Vivian is adorable...
    Congratulations to Hailey! Love the box...

  2. Hailey is a beautiful young lady. This is the perfect gift! You all did a great job on the recipe box and I know it is appreciated...However, as the years pass by, this one particular gift will be an everlasting joy that she will always use. Vivian is a cutie and looks like she was enjoying the hat...

  3. The recipe box is lovely! It sounds like the evening was enjoyed by all. Congratulations to Hailey and her fiance.

  4. This is a fantastic gift, she will treasure all of her life. Hailey is lovely. Vivian is so cute!

  5. What a fun family event! Best wishes to the couple. What a wonderful, thoughtful gift.

  6. What a clever and beautiful gift you gave her. It was a great idea to include the chicken recipes. I love autumn weddings. We will look forward to seeing pictures.

  7. Hailey is so pretty! Love the dress and the cute hat as well.

  8. That recipe box is a ture keepsake for many years to come.

  9. I love her gift. It’ll be special because you took the time to make it special!

  10. So nice to see some of these old traditions (like a wedding shower) being carried on. Sadly, it is a long time since I have come across anything like that here.
    Hailey is a very attractive girl. I have no doubt she will make a most beautiful bride :)

  11. Hailey is a gorgeous girl! Wish her the best. That recipe box was the best idea--wow! :)

  12. What a wonderful and personal gift. The box and the recipes are sure to be treasured. Very cute bride-to-be!

  13. Congratulations to Hailey. The recipe box will be a lovely reminder of her bridal shower.

  14. That recipe box makes a great gift! Good luck to Hailey. Glad you could go to the shower!

  15. That is a very special and personalized gift. Even more special because you all had a part it making it come to life. She is a very pretty bride-to-be.
    How can it seem like it wasn't very long ago that I was that bride and going to my friends showers too? Forty-six years has gone very, very fast.
    Blessings and hugs,

  16. You really do have lovely ladies in your family. The recipe box and it's contained treasures are sure to last her a lifetime.

  17. What lovely grand nieces! The recipe box and recipes are a very thoughtful gift. I'm sure she won't get another one like that! It will be a family heirloom in her family.


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