Sunday, September 29, 2024

Little Elvis 2009 - September 27, 2024

 Little Elvis was almost 15 years old.  He was my constant companion in the Winter time, sleeping most nights at the foot of my bed.  I will miss him, he was mostly deaf and could hardly see anything...old age is hard on dogs.  BUT he had a good life! 

January 2010  Miney, Little Elvis and Chance


Adam and Little Elvis

May 2010 


Noah and Little Elvis

Chance and Little Elvis 


Chance, Little Elvis and Miney

Chance and Little Elvis


Miney, Little Elvis and Chance

Little Elvis


Little Elvis and Sadie 

Little Elvis has left the building.  Rest in peace little buddy.  

Little Elvis and Miney helped to cushion the loss when Chance died in 2018, Little Elvis cushioned the loss of Miney in 2021.  Now they are all mourned and missed more than ever. They were a real pack! Three of the bestest dogs ever!

Far Side


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