Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Wistful Wednesday :1944

My Mother was was my Father..Lutheran works for me.  Far Guy is Lutheran too..we went to the same church ( My family joined that church after I was confirmed..It might have been my vast knowledge of all things religion that convinced them that perhaps they should go to a church in town versus a small country church.)  Anyways Far Guy and I were married at that church and had our children baptized there and I suppose they will have to have our funeral someday too.  Far Guy’s Mother was raised Baptist..his Father..kinda Lutheran.

Madeline Confirmation Class 1944

This is a photo of my Mothers Confirmation Class in 1944.  She was 15 years old that year. (Mom is in the back row, she is girl number four from the left.)

Confirmation always used to take place in the spring..a time of renewal and rebirth..when all things that look dead or dying after a long winter suddenly spring to life and blossom.

My Mother is a much better Lutheran than I am..she can still recite the entire Catechism in German..she can probably recite her Bible Verse too.  Every confirmand was given one.

I have no idea what my Bible Verse was..I was confirmed in the spring and I cannot recite the entire Catechism…but I could give you a run for your money if you needed to find out exactly how many words could be formed from the words “The Lutheran Hymnal”..because that is what I did for two years during confirmation classes on Saturday mornings..that and daydream and catch a few cat naps. Hey I put in my time..God will count it..I am sure of it, you see the one little word that I couldn’t spell with all the little letters was the most important word I learned in confirmation classes  ..Grace :)  

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  1. How seriously cute your Mama looks in the picture. I just love seein' those oldies but goodies.

    Yes, grace is very important!

    Have a blessed day sweetie!!! :o)

  2. That's a sweet post. Baptist girl here - I didn't have a confirmation, but I've attended one and it was a very moving ceremony, enough to make me shed a few tears. Yes, that word Grace - 5 little letters, but they speak volumes!!

  3. Ah - grace leads to dignity and that is a good thing.

    Love the curls in the girls' hair!

  4. I sure love the stories you tell!

  5. I love the image of you doodling your way through confirmation class. I'm Lutheran. I know what you're talking about. Grace. That's the best word we were given.

  6. What a delightful post! I can also see you spending your time on important things like how many words you can get out of those three! So glad your mom is not the one in the front row who looks so glum. And the curls in their hair are so perfect, in every single case.

  7. I love your making new words out of The Lutheran Hymanal. I liked that game. You rebel you.

  8. Confirmation - serious business! Not that any of them are smiling exactly but you'd think that Christ had just completely ruined the life of the girl in front and slightly to the right of your mom!

    And did I know your mom name was Madeline?!? It is one of my very favorites.

  9. Love your photo and post . Have a great day !

  10. I bought a perfume called "Amazing Grace", with hopes that it would somehow permeate me with a characteristic I struggle with. So far, it just makes me smell good.

  11. I enjoyed this post and especially the photo of your Mom - priceless!

  12. Great post. I occasionally attended the Lutheran church in high school with some high school friends, understood the plan of salvation and accepted Christ in an Assemblies of God, and have been a faithful Baptist attender since 1980.


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