Saturday, June 29, 2024


 I babysat Smudge one morning this week...what a horrible job...she was bored with me and sleepy. 

She is growing!  She is learning the sit command and her name.  She is a very nice little puppy.

Far Side


Val Ewing said...

Awwww. I love Smudge. I bet she will be one very active dog when she gets a bit older!

Sallysmom said...

An inquisitive little face.

Shug said...

Smudge is cuteness overload. I see happiness and comfort. Sending you happy weekend vibes

Pauline Persing said...

So sweet. I had my granddaughter's dog, Henry, living with me for about six months. He was old, just right for me. We needed one another. He has passed on. He was a "family dog" and had lived with Tom and me for a few months a few years ago, another time when he needed a temporary home..

Lynda said...

She gets prettier each day! You can tell she is getting comfortable around people and her environment! She does not perceive you as a threat or would not have been able to sleep - - right?!! You have been put on her list of safe places.

Sandra said...

She is a very cute little puppy!!

Tired Teacher said...

Smudge is a cutie!

Rita said...

Really a cute pup!
Must have been so nice to have a dog around for a while. :)

Terry and Linda said...

I think she is just a doll!

Miss Merry said...

What a cutie pie! And such a cute name, too.

Linda Reeder said...

Oh, I bet you just hated every minute of that dog sitting :-)

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

Smudge is adorable

Granny Marigold said...

Smudge looks quite comfy right where she is. She is cute, bored or not.

Henny Penny said...

Oh my goodness, how adorable. Smudge, what a perfect name. Are those freckles on his little nose?

Shirley said...

Very cute!

Maebeme said...

What a cutie!

Wanderingcatstudio said...

What an absolute cutie!!!