I happened to catch a photo of the female bluebird one evening, she likes the birdbath. I think the deer like the water in the birdbath too as some mornings it is empty.
So we have the Bluebird of happiness in our yard.
I have failed yet another Rheumatoid Arthritis medication. So far I have failed Leflunomide (mouth sores), Humira (it did nothing to help my pain after six months), Enbrel (cancelled out my Blood Pressure meds so now I have high blood pressure again and headaches). Now I am waiting for the Insurance Company to approve Orencia...it will probably take two months. I am not real hopeful as it also causes high blood pressure...but I am only the patient not the doctor.
I am five weeks plus into the withdrawal from Cymbalta (the drug from hell). I am finally feeling like my old self again. It did help with my Arthritis pain but the withdrawal was horrid. I am not completely over it's side effects yet as I still have an occasional tremor.
I still have a good amount of arthritis pain; mainly on the left side of my body, ankle, knee, hip, shoulder and back and neck pain...same old friends. The right side of my body feels old but doesn't scream in pain at me. The fatigue is still horrible...when I need to lay down I head for the couch.
I am waiting for the last injection of Enbrel to get out of my system so my blood pressure improves.
Far Guy is doing pretty good for an old guy with breathing problems. We stay away from crowds and sick people.
One day at a time.
Far Side