Sunday, June 30, 2024

Paige: Wedding Shower

 Yesterday I attended the wedding shower for Paige, our youngest granddaughter and #3 Grand. 

The wedding is later this year.  All her Aunts on her Father's side of the family planned the shower.  There was a bit of champagne, fruit, cheese, small fancy sandwiches and cupcakes. 

Sisters; Savannah #1  Grand and Maddie #2 Grand will both be Maid/Matron of Honor at the wedding and I think about six other bridesmaids. 

Paige got many really nice gifts.  It was a fun afternoon.  Jen stopped by for a quick visit before and after the wedding shower and we rode into town together. 

Far Side

Saturday, June 29, 2024


 I babysat Smudge one morning this week...what a horrible job...she was bored with me and sleepy. 

She is growing!  She is learning the sit command and her name.  She is a very nice little puppy.

Far Side

Friday, June 28, 2024

Japanese Tree Lilac

 I took a few photos of the Japanese Tree Lilac in town.  I only had a couple of errands to run while Far Guy had his infusion. 

A nice looking tree.  And yes the fragrance is very strongly Lilac.  This one was on the edge of the clinic parking lot...although they are a common boulevard tree in town. 

Far Side

Thursday, June 27, 2024


 The buds are about to open on the Japanese Tree Lilac. 

Fun to see the blooms, although the trees in town are covered in blooms.  I believe ours has seven blooms:) Which is better than none.   I cannot even blame the deer...who found she who sees robins first raised garden and ate most of her beans and some radishes:(

Far Side

Wednesday, June 26, 2024


 The Showy Lady Slippers are blooming. They are Minnesota's State flower. 

We enjoy seeing them in the wild.  One area where there were many blooms has been mowed down....they should have waited a few weeks to make their ditch lawn like. 

Far Side

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

New in the neighborhood

 We have a new friend in the neighborhood.  

Her name is Smudge and Baxter is her big brother. 

My baby brother and his bride rescued Smudge from Northwest Aussie Rescue. 

She is 1/2 toy Aussie, 1/4 Pug and 1/4 Beagle.  She won't get real big.  She has Beagle ears and tail.

She is pretty cute!

Far Side

Monday, June 24, 2024

Honeysuckle Trumpet Vine

 Years ago I had Yellow and Orange Honeysuckle Trumpet Vine all around the grain bin.  Apparently birds pooped the seeds all over as they come up in the woods here and there.  I only see the yellow not the orange ones.

It did not survive around the grain bin...but it is thriving in the woods.  Go figure. 

Far Side

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Yellow Lady Slipper and Cake

 There are Yellow Lady Slippers along our driveway, this year there are four blooms. 

Such a pretty of my favorites! 

Peach had a cake!  So she is officially one!  Jen shared this photo with us.

Far Side

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Peach is one!

 Happy Birthday to our youngest Great-granddaughter...Ree better known as Peach.  She was one year old earlier this week.

Great Auntie Jen took some photos! 

Peach is a real doll!   I can hardly believe she is one already.  

Great Auntie Jen is one of her favorite people! AND Peach is one of Jen's favorite people too! 

The birthday pool party is today, there will be too many people for us to attend.  We facetimed with Peach on her birthday.  We will see her in person one day next week. 

Happy Birthday Peach!  You are one well loved little girl! 

Far Side

Friday, June 21, 2024

Big Bear

 The bear napped and lounged around in our yard for about five hours...he must have had a full tummy.  

When morning came and he woke up, he wandered off.  My husband calls this photo "Coffee with Gene" 

I am thankful I no longer sleep walk in my old age...ten years ago I was still sleep walking and would wake up outside. 

Far Side 

Thursday, June 20, 2024


 A bear visited us early morning on June 19th.  He just wanted the suet out of the bird he bent the pole and took the suet. 

This is a photo of a photo but you can see him/her sitting there happily munching away at our bird feeders.  He/she was at our place about 2:30 AM.

Earlier about 11:30 PM he/she visited my baby brothers bird feeders.  He got a much better photo than we did. 

Such is life in the Northwoods. 
Far Side

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Bluebird and fails

 I happened to catch a photo of the female bluebird one evening, she likes the birdbath. I think the deer like the water in the birdbath too as some mornings it is empty. 

So we have the Bluebird of happiness in our yard.

I have failed yet another Rheumatoid Arthritis medication.   So far I have failed Leflunomide (mouth sores), Humira (it did nothing to help my pain after six months), Enbrel (cancelled out my Blood Pressure meds so now I have high blood pressure again and headaches).  Now I am waiting for the Insurance Company to approve will probably take two months. I am not real hopeful as it also causes high blood pressure...but I am only the patient not the doctor.

I am five weeks plus into the withdrawal from Cymbalta (the drug from hell).  I am finally feeling like my old self again.  It did help with my Arthritis pain but the withdrawal was horrid.  I am not completely over it's side effects yet as I still have an occasional tremor. 

I still have a good amount of arthritis pain; mainly on the left side of my body, ankle, knee, hip, shoulder and back and neck pain...same old friends.  The right side of my body feels old but doesn't scream in pain at me.  The fatigue is still horrible...when I need to lay down I head for the couch.

I am waiting for the last injection of Enbrel to get out of my system so my blood pressure improves.

Far Guy is doing pretty good for an old guy with breathing problems.  We stay away from crowds and sick people. 

One day at a time. 

Far Side

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Funeral: To Each His/Her Own

 Yesterday I attended my Uncle Al's funeral.  I rode with my other baby brother and she who sees robins first.  The funeral was in a town 45 minutes away. There was a gathering time before the funeral service.

My Uncle Al had leukemia and bone cancer, he fought a good fight for over six years ...then the Doctors told him that there was nothing they could do for him anymore.  That was a few months ago shortly after that he went on Hospice.   

Uncle Al was seven years older than me.  He said "I am going to try like heck to make it to my 80th birthday." He was 39 days short of his goal.  He died exactly 4 months after his oldest sister (my Mother).

Uncle Al planned his own funeral.  Hence the name of the blog today To Each His/Hers Own.   The funeral was in an event room at the Holiday Inn.  The casket was in the far corner surrounded by flowers of many purple colors ( He was a Vikings fan).   A slide show of photos played on an large screen...but it was hard to see in a room with so many lights.  A Minister read the obituary out loud ( one of my pet peeves) ...because we cannot read for ourselves??  The sermon was the great message that we are all saved by the grace of God through his son Jesus Christ who lived a perfect life, was crucified and died for ALL our sins.  A number of people shared stories and one of his granddaughters wrote a lovely was apparent that she loved her Grandfather very much...this I knew was mutual because Uncle Al talked about all of his grandchildren with a huge smile on his face.  The music was fine...Frank Sinatra singing My Way and Elvis singing How Great Thou Art and one other song I cannot recall.  After the service the burial took place at a local cemetery and afterward there was an open bar and food served at the event center. 

We left shortly after the service. 

My Uncle Al is on the far left.  He was the 10th child born to my grandparents.  My Mother is the oldest in this photo on the far right.  Two children not pictured Alfred died in 1947 and James who died in 1948.  Now the only living person in this photo is my Uncle Kenny front row left who is two months younger than me. 

 Me and my Uncle Al in 1952. Uncle Al was seven years old when I was born.   He was the chief baby rocker in the Fall of 1951 and the Winter of 1952...there were three babies in the house...I was born in September and my Grandmother had twins in November. 


Funeral flowers from my siblings and I for our Uncle Al.

Far Side


Monday, June 17, 2024

Slow going

 I startled a turtle looking for a safe place to lay some eggs. 

He is a long way from the lake and had to cross two roads to get into our yard from the lake.

Later I saw her heading toward the lake....apparently she was done in our yard. 

The Veronica is still blooming nicely.  We had some very nasty winds on Saturday.

Far Side

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Happy Father's Day

 Although our Fathers are no longer with us.  We think of them and what kind men they were who helped raised us. 


Far Guy and his Dad 


My Dad and me  May 1952

 Happy Father's Day!

Jen visited us yesterday to help me get caught up on some of the high dusting (the things I have to stand on a step ladder for)  AND to visit with her Dad and she took us out for supper! 

Far Side

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Late late Lilac

 The Late Lilac is almost past full bloom.  It had more blooms than I thought it would. 

It is a bright spot in the yard! 

I mowed the yard yesterday, it looks pretty good again.  Far Guy fired up Tilly and we went to town yesterday...just a couple of errands...a prescription and to the Farm Supply store for ant killer, grass seed and diatomaceous earth and a stop by the gas station to fuel her up! 

Far Side

Friday, June 14, 2024

Seeing Blue

 I see the blue flowers in the wild gardens...Veronica and a perennial Salvia are in bloom.

The seeds have just been allowed to grow and bloom where ever they land. 

Far Side

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Well I'll be

 My Japanese Tree Lilac has blooms!  This is exciting because this is only the second time in 26 years!

See one bloom toward the center of the photo. 

There are more very high in the tree.

Far Side

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Yellow Pear Tomato

 Our Yellow Pear Tomato has been planted in the sheep watering tank that sits inside our old dog kennel.

Far Guy has various forms of anchoring in place....cages, wires and fence posts.   This year the sheep tank sits on cement blocks.  Perhaps I can forego the ladder this year when picking the tomatoes. 

It is a nice spot up against Tilly's garage, a little protected from the winds and the kennel should keep out deer...maybe.

Far Side

Tuesday, June 11, 2024


 Our Oaks are mostly done leafing out.  They take a long time. 

Far Guy has been doing some wood carving.  The Christmas Ornament for this year has been chosen. 

I have been clearing out files and some papers all unnecessary ...they are shredded and then recycled.  I made some pretty good progress in several stash/messy areas.  Yeah me.

Far Side

Monday, June 10, 2024

Look OUT!

 For the Poison Ivy! 

We had enough rain to nurture the poison ivy to great some areas it looks like a shrub...a nasty shrub. 

I sprayed this area as it is near the house...soon it will be dead.   It felt good to spray it.

Yes I know I am weird.

Far Side

Sunday, June 9, 2024

Late Lilac

 The Late Lilac is blooming such as it is. 

It is a pretty bloom in bud. 

As it opens it becomes a pinky/lilac color.

Far Side

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Book Club 2024: June

 We read Lessons in Chemistry by Bonnie Garmus.

It was a great read I give it a nine out of a ten.  I enjoyed it very much...especially the dog named six thirty.  All of the women enjoyed the book.

Onto the next book! 

Far Side

Friday, June 7, 2024

One bloom

 My Fern- leafed Peony had just one bloom again this year.   It was a gift from Larry years ago.  I hate to move it... I am just thankful for one bloom! 

  Pop on over to Larry's and say Hi, this week he brought his wife Della home from the hospital/rehab center...she has not been home since March 25.  So it is a big deal that she is finally home!   I am positive that you will enjoy all of Larry's flowers as much as I do.

Far Side

Thursday, June 6, 2024

26th Anniversary

 Last year  daughter Jen and son in law Andy were in Fiji for their 25th Wedding Anniversary.

This year they are in Spain.  

Jen said the wine was very dry but the Winery itself and its cave system for storing wine was very interesting.  

Yesterday they were at the beach.  All photos by Jen. 

Happy Anniversary! 

Far Side

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Strange Noise

We were sitting on the patio Monday evening with my other baby brother and she who sees robins first.  

We heard a strange noise coming our way.  Not a bird, not a plane, not superman. We thought it might be a was not.

It was a flying machine.  Like a go cart on steroids in the sky with a colorful canopy/chute.

She who sees robins first got some photos and shared them with me. 

Not the kind of thing I would like to do...too scared of heights. 

Far Side

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Red Man

 There is a  new sculpture in town.  It was installed out in front of the old library building.

It sits outside of Giiwedinong the Anishinaabe  Museum of Treaties and Culture. 

The real name of the sculpture is "Not afraid to look"

Everyone interprets art differently. 

I see a tall red man, with no butt, with a slanted head sitting waiting for something or someone and he does not look happy. 

He does not seem friendly or welcoming. 

Far Side.

Monday, June 3, 2024


 My baby brother and his bride have taken on biking.  They bought each other electric assist bikes. 

Let me tell you they need that electric assist to get up the hill from their place at the lake!

Baxter and bikes....  he is not a fan and tries to herd them and bark.  So the poor boy is left behind. 

Far Side

Sunday, June 2, 2024

A Blanket and "stuff"

 I finished the car seat blanket for my sisters newest grandchild.  Hadlee is three months old now.  

We met them up at Itasca State Park. 

I also delivered a bag of "stuff" for my sister.   "Stuff" being things my Mother never threw away. 

Far Side