Friday, July 23, 2021

Thoughts on Grocery Day

 Traffic was more crazy than was crazy days in town...needless to say we stayed off of Main Street.   I have not been crazy enough to go to Crazy Days in years. 

Grocery Pickup was great...just missing Licorice...but we can do without it. 

I stopped by my parents to check on them.  Dad was in the ER Wednesday night...he has a broken rib from a fall on Tuesday.  He got scanned other baby brothers daughter Stacey who is an RN went to the ER with them.  Dad said he was feeling pretty good after a good nights rest....and the Doctor said the rib should heal up. 

 Back home, I mowed our lawn and trimmed around trees a bit.  It was a warm day high of 84 F or 29 C  eh!  For now the wildfire smoke has lifted. 

Real scary news about the new Covid variants...seems like they are spreading like wildfire.  I wonder if we are headed for another lock down?  Wouldn't that be the pits.  Herd immunity seems to be a figment of the imagination with so many people who did not get the vaccination.  Heck we would still have Polio and Smallpox if our parents had the same thoughts against vaccinations.  I was thinking of the sugar cube and the polio live virus that was on that cube...a bit scary...but Polio was scary too.  Polio could cripple you...heavens Covid can kill you...that all I will say about that.

Far Side


  1. Ugh! I saw a young man on tv this morning saying that he hasn’t had the jab because “they” can track you, “they” can check on your bank account! The reporter kept interrupting with ‘but you don’t believe this do you?’ but he obviously does believe it. Stupid stupid. As you say, thank goodness our parents believed in smallpox and polio vaccines. Especially my father: his mother struggled to walk for over 60 years because of polio.
    Good luck getting licorice next time.

  2. I remember the needle tapping a red cicrle on your upper arm (was that one small pox?). Was like getting a tattoo! Vaguely remember the sugar cube. No parents complained about their children not being free to get polio or small pox. What a world we live in.
    Love those red chairs in such a lovely spot.
    I hope your dad will heal nicely. Scary when those things happen.
    Have a great weekend. :)

  3. Glad to hear your Dad will be okay. Yes, this new Covid variant thing is getting scarier by the day. What is really scary is that people who have been vaccinated are getting the new Covid variant. Praying you and Far Guy stay healthy and safe.

  4. I recall as a young adult seeing older friend's husband with braces and finding out that he'd had polio as a kid. My cousin had Rickets, and I have friends who believe they've dodged Covid so they are ok forever.
    I doubt there will be a lockdown, but the masks are back on here. My little 10 yr old friend wears one when he comes inside to say hi to Rich but has said he'd rather stay outdoors for Rich's safety.

    For our household, being safe makes sense. It doesn't change our lives that much.

  5. I'm sorry to hear about your Dad's fall. He's sure having a rough time of it isn't he? I'm REALLY nervous about our upcoming trip. Travel is warned against to the UK due to Covid and an uptick in terrorism threats. Really? Just what we wanted to hear. We're planning to go anyway. We'll wear our masks and pray all will be well. But it is a bit scary and nerve wracking. I agree with you about vaccinating.
    I was just telling Mom yesterday that we may be back to ordering groceries online again.
    Take care and stay safe.

    1. Betsy, I live in the U.K. Lots of delta variant Covid cases but if you are double jabbed it shouldn’t be too much of a problem. Fingers crossed. Keep wearing your masks.
      I don’t know anything about terrorism threats. There has been nothing on the news here.
      Have a good trip.

  6. I'm so sorry your dad had a fall and has a broken rib, but glad to hear it will heal and wasn't anything worse. I don't even know what to say or think about Covid anymore. It's a horrible situation.

  7. I've been thinking the same as you - how many of us would have died of smallpox, measles, polio if our parents had hesitated over the vaccine? A cousin who I dearly love asked why he would get a vaccine for a disease he hadn't had? I said that was the whole point - so he would NOT get the disease!! But in his case it is twisted political motivation, and I have no patience for people like that. My rant for the morning!! Hope you have a nice relaxing weekend.

  8. Glad you were able to get almost everything with grocery pickup this week.

    Sorry about your Dad. Hope his rib heals quickly and he's not in too much pain.

  9. Sorry to hear your Dad broke a rib - that’s painful. He’s had a rough time of it lately. People in this area are acting like COVID is a thing of the past, but the numbers are going up as are the deaths and hospitalizations. I’m a bit apprehensive about the beginning of Fall semester at the university. I’m sure cases will really increase.

  10. Oh dear, I hope your Dad heals quickly. Falls are always worrisome. When my Dad was still at home after mom passed away, he fell in the garden and couldn't get up. He crawled from the garden to the front steps (about 20-30 feet) and managed to get himself up and into the house. Luckily nothing was broken.

    Our province has opened up completely, with no restrictions of any sort. There is currently an outbreak in the northwestern portion of the province due to Delta and it should be frightening to the entire province. We've had evacuations from the North to various communities including the city I live in, so it's only a matter of time until we see more cases here again. But I don't think we'll see any sort of lockdown, instead I suspect it will be a case of "learn to live with it". Meanwhile I'll keep doing as I have been, masking up, avoiding crowded places, and keeping my social circle small.

  11. How nice that you have help with your parents, Connie. That's a luxury, for sure. Kiss your niece's feet the next time you see her. I would have swallowed a dozen quarters for that kind of help. *lol* May your dad heal quickly. I'll bet he does. ~Andrea xoxoxo

  12. I'm sorry to hear about your Dad's fall. I hope he is very careful and heals quickly! I remember as a child standing in a long line for the polio vaccine. I thought it was kind of fun to get a sugar cube to eat. I don't think I understood the full purpose of it. I also remember the smallpox vaccine and how it left the scab on my arm. I was just upset that I couldn't go swimming until it healed.

    I have been thinking about this new Delta variant too. I keep wondering if we are going into another lockdown this Fall. Here in Missouri all the cases are the Delta variant and we are up to as many as we had last January with the number growing each day. Medical officials are saying we should go back to masks, even if vaccinated. But our governor will fight against any attempt to control the virus here. We never did have a state mask mandate, just a county one. I can't believe the number of people that refuse the vaccination. It's just insane.

  13. Sorry to hear your dad had a fall, but at least it wasn’t a leg or a hip and he is still mobile. I just spent a few weeks with my mom who is 94 and at her checkup Tuesday the doctor said, “As long as you don’t fall you can keep going forever.”
    I sure hope there isn’t another lockdown until we can get back to Minnesota and see the grandboys. I also remember the fear of the live polio vaccine but thank goodness my parents took the risk and had us vaccinated. I don’t understand those who will not take the Covid vaccine, especially the health personnel who should lead the ways.

  14. Continued prayers for Dad's healing.

    My city is totally bonkers. I watched a live feed of a meeting with a group who are running for school board. I made it through the 2 hours while they talked about calling legislators and the governor to demand your "freedom" and bills on the slate to forbid health departments to close schools or require masks (they are against health departments, too). There was lots of misinformation about health matters - one candidate promotes her "public health" background; she does billing for a medical office. They are against critical race theory and use racist terms to describe why they are not racist. And they want a camera in every classroom to record every teacher every minute so that teachers are not indoctrinating students. One of the male candidates wants every teacher trained in firearms and every teacher certified and encouraged to carry a loaded handgun while teaching. They also want lesson plans on line so that all parents can monitor what is being taught that particular day. There was a lot of talk about how the Bill of Rights is written in cursive so children are not being taught cursive so that they won't be able to read it. My favorite was the discussion of masks that included the statement "Let's face it - did you really wash your kid's mask every day? Or did they just wear the same one all week?" I am wondering if they wash their underpants or they just wear the same pair all week, too!

    I worry about this "banning" of masks in schools since my grandchildren are too young to be vaccinated and could bring the variants and the virus home to us since we care for them before and after school. I also worry about the percent of children (which I realize is small) that can have bad effects from contracting the virus.

    As much as I am not looking forward to homeschooling again, this group's statement that they will ban any talk of closing schools or having on line classes scares me.

    The actual education of children did not come up.

    1. You nailed it. What are these people thinking? And they are running for the school board. I guess there are more things we need to ban.

  15. I broke three ribs a couple years back. It took awhile before I was feeling okay unless I was completely still in a chair.

  16. I think it was when I was in grade four that my seatmate was suddenly absent and we were told she had polio. When she came back eventually she had braces on both legs and used crutches to get around.

  17. I am concerned about children too young to be vaccinated who are living in homes with unvaccinated adults and older young people. If the Delta variant becomes too strong we could all be in trouble, and young children will be unprotected.
    And yet, anti-vaxers still profess their uninformed beliefs and put us all in danger.

  18. That is a wonderful deck with great deck chairs in red. Broken ribs are so difficult and the pain comes with every move you take. Laying down is miserable too. I hope he had minor break. Getting old is tough.

  19. Broken ribs are very painful. I've been there . Falls are serious. I've done those too. I hope your dad heals up quickly.

  20. Glad your grocery pick-up was good for the most part. I love licorice too! Did you ever have Switzer's Licorice when you were a kid? That was my favorite! Oh no, your dad fell and broke a rib. So sorry to hear about that. Hope his blood clot is clearing up too! I guess when God calls me, I'll be ready to go. So many things to worry about in this world. Have a good weekend you two!

  21. Now I want licorice, black licorice not red

  22. That is a pretty successful grocery day! My last few orders at Wally World have been successful. Hope your dad is feeling well soon!

  23. I too hope your dad will recover from that broken rib quickly. It must be painful. Getting old is the pits, but as they say, it beats the alternative. Enjoyed the comments today particularly.

  24. Ouch...a broken rib is not fun. I hope he heals fast. My best friend once said about me that I don't suffer fools and now a days there seems to be a majority of them out there!


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