Sunday, July 4, 2021

Happy 4th of July!


Flags and fireworks!  Fireworks have been going off down at the lake the past few nights...hope they keep them over the water...the poor fish.   We always hear of so many lost dogs after the 4th. 

Far Guy and I are still keeping busy with the garage sale.  We have nothing special planned for the day...maybe a nap after we close up the garage sale.  We might watch fireworks on TV!

Far Side



  1. Happy 4th of July!
    Have a blessed day!

  2. Happy 4th of July, you two!! ~Andrea xoxo


  3. Enjoy your day. Hope you sell everything.

    1. Pauline , I wonder you ever sell everything?
      Enjoy all.

  4. Good luck with the garage sale. Have a happy 4th! :)

  5. Your day sounds great! We're going to Brad's parents camper as we often do for the 4th of July if we were here visiting. Now it may become an annual event. It's going to be HOT though. The fireworks have been awful around here. Last night they went on for most of the day and night. Big ones, right over the houses. I can't believe there haven't been tons of fires.
    Stay safe and enjoy the day.

  6. I'm afraid for fires this year, too.
    Have a good sale! :) Happy 4th.

  7. Charlie had a tough time last night, he slept next to the bed and was underfoot trying to get picked up when I got up. He survived and the equine could care less I guess.
    Hope yours is good too. Ours will be quiet except where others in the distance set of fireworks.

  8. Happy 4th of July! Aloha from Hawaii.

  9. Happy Fourth of July to you both! We are staying home and will grill some burgers and I made potato salad. There are lots of fireworks around us too so we try to keep our kitties calm. You two have a good day!

  10. Happy 4th of July!! I feel sorry for all the dogs that get so scared by all the noise but it happens every year ( although fireworks are banned here in town unless you get a permit. Yeah, right.)

  11. Have a great Fourth of July!

  12. Happy 4th to you guys! I hope your garage sale went well. We too have been having fireworks over the lake which is right across the street from me. So much for my early to bed routine. They are good about stopping at 10:00 p.m. though so I can't complain. I too, worry about the animals as we have so much wildlife here. These are the tourists nad/or visitors oldies are in bed! LOL!

  13. Our new windows stop a lot of the fireworks noise in our neighborhood. Unfortunately we live a few miles from a fireworks store and if you hear there is a shortage in some areas, it is because of the line that has wound about three times around their building from open to close since our stores reopened. Our town also raised over $25,000 for a display tonight. Why they bother, I do not know. And $25,000. Happy Fourth. Hope the sale was successful.

  14. Happy 4th of July! We had a couple of nights of fireworks too (for Canada Day), even some on my street. My cat Saku would growl and run every time they went off. Thankfully he's not an outdoor cat.

  15. Fireworks kept the cats on their toes last night. Not sure if we will be having another round tonight. I wouldn't mind as I like explosions. ( Little kid in me.)

  16. Hope you had an enjoyable and safe Fourth!

  17. Sell it and wave good bye to it. That is a lot of work though unless you have things to do during the lulls.


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