Sunday, July 25, 2021


 Not sure how many "Annie" Boston Terriers my sister has was named Nellie.  My parents  had two "Annies." 

My sister's Annie came to our house on Friday.  She will be going home on Monday. 

 Here she is looking for Chipmunks....she likes to chase them...if she was a little faster and could breathe quietly and the Chippy was slower and deaf...

Yesterday she had quite a day.

She looks pretty innocent????  Looks are deceiving...

Far Guy and I wanted to attend a 50th Wedding Anniversary.   So we left her with my baby brother and his bride for the afternoon...she likes Baxter and Baxter likes her.  Well the two made a "pack"( I am sure Annie was the gang leader)..and they took off.   Everyone at my baby brothers...5 adults and 4 children went off looking for them.   They were eventually located in the woods...which is better than in the swamp or the lake. 

Annie rolled in Deer Poop...yuck...I cleaned her she is mad at me and thinks Far Guy is her favorite now...  She may get an entire bath today.

My sister's birthday is today.  Happy 55th Birthday Julie!  I will try to keep your dog safe until you pick her up! 
Far Side


  1. Hahahahah...dogs look so innocent yet can be so full of trouble. I'm sure you know that two = trouble. I'm doggy watching the neighbor's fluffs. They are the a mix of little non shedding dogs that get SO dirty so easily so I just let them out into their fenced yard.

    I think I'll let them out into their yard and take a morning foggy/dewy walk!

    How was the party?
    We had company yesterday from a related cousin. He stopped in to see Rich just to keep in touch. The visit was short because of the heat. But was nice to see Rich smile and engage after his very tough week.

  2. What a cute little stinker! ;)

  3. I'm sure glad they were found and safe!

  4. Annie sounds like quite the handful. Good luck keeping her out of trouble until your sister comes to pick her up. Also, happy birthday to your sister.

  5. Oh I laughed so hard at the comment, "if Chippy was slower and deaf". Annie sounds like quite the character and a handful. Have fun!

  6. You probably pegged Annie correctly as the ringleader. One of my daughters has 2 dogs, and the smaller female is definitely the "stinker" of the two. She starts all the squabbles, is the escape artist, and barks at every leaf that blows across the yard.

  7. That dog sounds like it is having the vacation of dreams - - dog dreams! I would think the bath was not a huge price to pay for the freedom and exploring they did. LOL
    At one time, we had a Chocolate Lab and a "Benjie" dog (both strays). They kept digging and would occasionally get out of our back yard to run through the woods and the neighborhood. I swear they looked like they were smiling big time when they returned home!

  8. It's my sister's birthday today, too. I laughed at Annie's antics.

  9. Lots of sibling birthdays in July. My sister's and one of my brother's are all within four days of mine in July.
    I suspect you are thankful that Annie is just a short time visitor and will be going home soon.

  10. Oh my - what an adventure! She does look so sweet and innocent.

  11. Thank you for taking care of Annie! She is an adventurer!! Thank you for the Birthday wishes big Sister! My love to you and Geno!

  12. Dogs are best at wallowing in the stinkiest thing around. They are dogs after all. ;) Good luck with the rest of the stay. Glad those two got along, even if it was for trouble.

  13. OOohhhh Annie. I like than harness. I need a new one for my Rose. Rose went frog gigging for her weekend adventure. Karen

  14. Happy Birthday Julie! You two are very good dog sitters and I know they all love to spend time with you. Annie sounds like a character. I can just see her and Baxter running through the woods having a blast!

  15. I hope Julie had a good birthday
    Annie sounds adorable

  16. Dogs running away. Ugh! And the more you chase them the faster and further they run away. Sgt Hutch gave us his dog to watch as he had to go to battalion. Someone opened the door and Shoom! There she goes out the door. The entire platoon was out there chasing her * we could clearly see her in the open post campus, but she was fast... At least Annie was able to be caught.. deer poop and all.

  17. Sure glad you found the dogs. That's so funny about Annie chasing chipmunks. Sounds like she will never catch one. She is a cutie. Happy Birthday to your sister.

  18. Happy Birthday Julie! I hope it was a wonderful day. Annie is a beautiful girl. She certainly looks innocent. I'm sure glad she has you to take care of her.

  19. Ha! Sounds like quite the carnival around your house and your baby brother's. Dog's can be a lot of work I guess. It's a good thing that you love them so much! Happy birthday to your sister. Hope your dad is doing better these days. Here comes another week....have a good one you two!

  20. Make new friends and then run off into the woods for an adventure. Dogs are in their own world when the gt together like a couple of crazy kids.

  21. The best adventures of Annie!
    Glad they were found before they got in real trouble.

  22. I love the name Annie and I still miss my Annie. Your sister's is a cutie!


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