Monday, July 19, 2021

Sunday Visits

 We had a great lunch and visit with Savannah and Paige...what a couple of giggly girls!  

They are beautiful young ladies!  They make us smile!  Savannah is working at the Radio Station and she has her own Lash business.  She will go back to school this Fall...she has one year is her major.  Paige is heading off to school in a month...Dental Hygienist a two year school in a town new to her.

25 years old!

There were hugs and I love yous...see you soon!  Be careful out there! (Be aware of your surroundings!!)

After lunch we drove North to visit with cousins Jack and Pat at their lake cottage. 

Stories were flowing back and was a fun Sunday afternoon visit.   Brought back many memories of lunch and Sunday afternoon visits like in the "olden days."

Far Side



  1. How beautiful Savannah and Paige are. So glad you enjoyed their visit and time with FGs cousins.

  2. A belated Happy Birthday to Savannah. So glad you were able to help her celebrate her birthday.

  3. What beautiful young ladies. I'm so glad you had a nice day. :)

  4. So nice to be able to safely visit with family again. I think these get togethers are even more special now that we have experienced life without them.

  5. Those are indeed two beautiful young women. And it sounds like a perfect Sunday afternoon to me!

  6. The ladies are beautiful, so grown up. Sounds like nice visits with family. The flowers are pretty. Karen

  7. Such beautiful young ladies! With beautiful smiles!!

  8. Such beautiful girls. Mandy and her cousin Chaela have been like that since they were babies. And it continues in their 40's. Give them five minutes, (or less), and their giggling like five year olds. And it doesn't stop. Just the two of them. I've never known Mandy to be like that with anyone else.
    Your Sunday visit sounds wonderful. I remember doing the same thing.

  9. Not many people visit on Sundays anymore. My Mom always had baked treats ready for drop-in visitors.

  10. Gorgeous young women! Sounds like you had a wonderful day of visiting.

  11. How fun! The best kind of days are those we spend with loved ones!!

  12. What a wonderful day you all enjoyed! Savannah and Paige are indeed beautiful young ladies with an exciting future ahead of them both. You know those "olden days" seem like they will last forever and then all of a sudden they are gone.

  13. Pretty granddaughters and old friends. sounds like a lovely day.

  14. A lovely Sunday with visits with family. The two girls are lovely and heading into the future with solid plans. Good for them.

  15. You do have beautiful granddaughters! All of them! and they all look like such sweet girls. A late Happy Birthday to Savannah. Hard to believe she is 25!

  16. It's great to get back and see people.

  17. Oh your visits sound so fun! The young ladies certainly are beautiful! And glad you got to see cousins at their lake cottage! Did you take the new old car? Have a good week!

  18. What a fun visit! Well done girls!


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