Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Busy Monday

 We are all done with the garage sale now, our last day was Saturday, we did quite well and got rid of lots of "stuff."   Monday morning I packed up a few things (mostly books) and donated them to the thrift shop in town.  They are happy to get the donations! I am packing up a few things to take to my parents...they want to have a garage sale sometime in August. ...so I will help them with their sale.  

I put away the signs and straightened up...and then a cold front blew in and it rained a bit not much but it was wet. 

I have a few more mornings to work out in the garage before I can relinquish it back to the new old car/Tilly.

Mom called in the afternoon...they admitted Dad to the hospital for IV's to try to get his Cellulitis under control.  He will be there a few days.  He might have to miss Bingo this week.

One of the fawns in our yard...they are tasting my flowers.  

Supper was  an adventure.  I was following a recipe and figured it was just not going to work for us.  So I made my own version.  It was pretty good!  Kinda like a chicken pot pie.   Add I can cream of chicken soup to about 2 cups of cooked shredded chicken, add about a half of a can of water, stir well and put in baking dish, top with Crescent rolls...just stretch them out...at this point I was exclaiming loudly that I sure hope this works...Far Guy said "Do you know what you are doing?"  Nope but I put some cojack cheese on top and baked it for about 25 minutes...and it was tasty. 

Far Side


  1. Glad the garage sale went well. Hope your parents' one goes well too. Yes, I'm sure those donated books were appreciated. Great the recipe worked out, even if you did tweak it.

  2. Sorry about your dad.
    Glad your garage sale went okay and you are done with it.
    Beautiful little flower muncher. ;)

  3. Oh my, sorry to hear your dad had to be admitted for cellulitis. I know that is a concern and some nasty painful stuff.
    Sounds like you have things well under control! I know cooking is generally some sort of experiment for me.
    Somehow I make food that we can eat though I am no great cook.

  4. Hope your Dad is feeling better real soon; I'll say a prayer for him. My hubby and I always like to try new dishes and like you will add our own twist to it. Yours sounded real good. Great picture of the fawn.

  5. I took some stuff to the thrift store several years ago & they acted disgusted. They had us carry our stuff downstairs to the basement. There was black garbage bags packed to the ceiling. We are in a red flag warning area meaning we are an easy target for fires to get started. It's so dry even though we have had some rain. The baby deer is so cute. Karen

  6. Glad all went well with the sale. I sure hope your dad is better soon!

  7. The deer in our neighborhood don't taste. They treat our lawn like a cheap Chinese food buffet after a week of fasting.

  8. Praying for your Dad, hoping he will be ok.

  9. Glad to stop by and see you guys are alright! I've been hosting the grands and they are eating me out of house and home.....they require 3 squares a day! Imagine that! LOL! there's little "left over". Your dish sounds good I wish I could have a garage sale but I think I'll want to rest after the grands leave! LOL! They got rid of all my weed trees though. I'll be back in full swing next week.

  10. Love your fawn picture. We haven't seen ours since Saturday afternoon. Maybe mama is angry about us moving HER bird feeders again. LOL Hope your dad feels better soon. Our supper was an adventure last night too, but didn't turn out very well. I'm beginning to question the real temperature in my oven, as it tends to take way longer to bake things than it should at 350, but burns things quickly at 400. Every time I use it is an adventure lately.

  11. Prayers for dad that the IVs work quickly and get him back on his feet. Your recipe sounds like the way I cook these days. I see a recipe, assume I have the ingredients on hand, start the recipe, start substituting what is in my cupboard using things we like. I throw some cheese on it and it is usually pretty good.

  12. Sending up prayers for your dad.
    That is a beautiful photo of the fawn!
    We too are contemplating a yard sale. Funny how "stuff" just accumulates!

  13. Wishing your dad a speedy recovery. If he's like my dad I'm sure he's anxious to get home again.

    Glad your garage sale went well. The fawn is cute but I assume a bit destructive. :)

  14. The fawn has grown quite a bit — it must be the flowers. 😉

  15. I always like your recipes---I copy and make them for us! Thank you

  16. Garage sales are a lot of work and some people like having garage sales/

  17. I'm sorry to hear your Dad is in the hospital. I'm sending prayers for fast and easy healing for him! Congrats on your successful garage sale. I imagine you are glad it's done. That fawn is beautiful. I guess a diet of flowers agrees with him!

  18. I'm going to be praying for your Dad to get better quickly. Each time my brothers have had cellulitis and were on IV antibiotics, they turned the road to recovery pretty quickly. I pray the same is for your Dad.
    Glad the garage sales was successful and that you're all done with it. They can be a LOT of work can't they?
    Beautiful fawn too. I miss the dear visiting our campground although I know they're in our yard at night because my flowers keep getting eaten.

  19. Hoping for a smooth recovery for your dad.
    I've never done a garage sale, and I have stopped going to them because I might be tempted to accumulate more stuff.

  20. I hope your Dad will be okay.
    Luckily your recipe involving Crescent rolls turned out. I never buy those (thump biscuits as my kids call them) any more but I broke down and bought some last week for a new recipe which was just okay. It involved the Biscuits in a tube and each biscuit was to be cut in 6 pieces, covered in tomato sauce, fried onions and mushrooms then lots of cheese, then baked. I won't bother making it again.

  21. You are becoming an expert garage sale host! Hope your dad has a favorable hospital stay, so he can get home and back to bingo. Beautiful fawn & photo. Looks like she was posing for you. I guess it's the least she can do after eating your flowers.

  22. Prayers for your dad and a short hospital stay with the best results!
    Do you know what you are doing? Need he ask....sure you always know what you are doing...later.

  23. I hope your dad is doing ok
    The fawn is growing nicely

  24. The fawn is beautiful. Hope your Dad will get improvement.

  25. I think that your dinner sounds great and it sounds like it turned out well! I like how you try out new recipes....I just stick with the same old things....I guess there's no sense of adventure in me! So sorry to hear about your dad....hope they can get him better soon. He'll be sad to miss Bingo, I'm sure. Nice that you can go and help your folks with a garage sale in August.

  26. Cute little fawn!
    Sending lots of good thoughts for your Dad and a short hospital stay!

  27. sending get well wishes! Sometimes those are the best recipes! That fawn is growing tall.

  28. Your chicken recipe sounds really good! We were sitting in our son's living room at their new home the other night and a deer came strolling through their backyard. The next morning she strolled through again,the grandkids were very excited.


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